Been to doctors, disappointed!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2010
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I went to see a new lady doctor recommended by family, thought she'd be really nice. But she was quite impersonal and professinal. Tried to discuss my concerns about twins, as my partners Mum is twin and his sister and sister in law seem to have suffered from vanishing twin syndrome and then his ex had miscarriage with twins. So I'm understandably concerned :sad: Asked if it was possible to have early scan, as would rather know sooner if it is twins, so I can prepare myself and if its not then I would feel reassured. Sorry to go on!!

She said that they wouldn't really be able to see anything anyway, better to wait til 12 weeks, when they can see alot more and diagnose any poss problems!!! :mad:

I know this is not the case from all the ladies who have had early scans. I now have to convince my partner to get early scan privately, which isn't going to be easy, as he's slightly tight with money and doesn't understand and he even said he is bothered about seeing this early, as it doesn't look like a baby yet!!!

Sorry for the essay :roll: x x
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I know exactly where you are coming from!

Twins run in my DH's family and I really wanted an early scan for this reason (and for general reassurance) but DH just said that it was a waste of money when the 12 week scan is so soon.

It may feel soon for the guy but it doesn't feel soon for us!!

I searched around and asked on here and managed to get an early scan (booked for tomorrow!!) for £50 which DH said was fine. I think it's partly because it's now 3 weeks since we found out and to wait another 4.5 weeks for the scan seems like a very long time even to him! Also, he didn't want to go when we couldn't see a heartbeat so we've waited until 7+4 to ensure there is a good chance of seeing it - and of seeing at least a blob! :lol:

Try to find an inexpensive scan somewhere- where are you based?

Perhaps tell him that you'd like one that is going to cost £120 or something first and then if you can get one for £50 or £60 it will seem really cheap!!
im having an early scan next week because i had clomid tabs which can higher the chances slightly of multiples my dr was more than happy to do one our dr's surgery does them once a week a lady comes iv seen her to check my ovulation now going back for early scan if i hadnt been able to get this i would have gone privatly because i need to see all ok im a nervous wreck as it is might be worth speaking to your normal gp
Annie ... you sly one! great idea is that what you did with your OH!!?? no wonder he said yes in the end.

Vixie, shop about just incase, and I know your worried, and this might sound bad, but a scan wouldn't change any outcome twins, one, or vanishing twin. I imagine in many twin cases you would have a hunch as you could get quite big , quite early on and if that happened, you could race out before 10 weeks and get twin insureance to help you if it was twins. You can't do this if you have already hd a scan (it is slightly more expensive I believe with twins in family).

Hoping you have a smooth pregnancy
:lol: Yes but inadvertently! I couldn't find a scan for under £90 but then someone on here told me about the cheaper scan and it seemed so affordable!
Some doctors have no idea how to handle or recognise people's emotions - if they were visible and stuck on your head like big wobbly balloons then they might take some notice. Im sorry that you didnt get the support you need; I hope you go on to have a happy and healthy pregnancy, one or two babies! :)
Thanks so much ladies for your advise and support. Had abit of chat with OH, think I can probably convince him, already told it was £50, so just said I'd found others that were £100, so it is cheap :)

Thats lucky Serenity. Hope all goes well :)

It was me, Annie, that told u about it. Please let me know how it goes tomoro. Best of luck

Feel abit better now. Wish I had gone to my normal GP, but he's on hols, so didn't want to wait and he's always so booked up too. Might see if I can get in to see him this week x x
Thanks so much ladies for your advise and support. Had abit of chat with OH, think I can probably convince him, already told it was £50, so just said I'd found others that were £100, so it is cheap :)

Thats lucky Serenity. Hope all goes well :)

It was me, Annie, that told u about it. Please let me know how it goes tomoro. Best of luck

Feel abit better now. Wish I had gone to my normal GP, but he's on hols, so didn't want to wait and he's always so booked up too. Might see if I can get in to see him this week x x

:lol: sorry forgot it was you that told me!!
Is twins not only hereditary on the woman's side? I thought it had to be for the eggs to split or to produce 2 instead of 1. If you think about it, in one "shot" a man can re-populate the isle of man so I've always thought it just had to be genetics on the womans side x
Well his sister in law was preggers with twins and suffered vanishing twin syndrome, and his ex was preggers with twins and lost both. Whether they had twins in their family too, I don't know. Don't really know much else about, think u must be able to get twins from OH too tho x x
twins is only hereditary on the woman's side hun, and its only non identical twins that are, its the whole, you've got to ovulate twice so two eggs get fertilised thing. there's 13 sets of non identical twins on my mum's side and 3 sets of triplets, my mum's an identical twin, it skipped my generation and i still didnt get twins!! my sister's shitting herself haha!

and as for your doc, mine was so matter-of-fact when i went in when i got pregnant with katie. she asked me why i was there, i said i was pregnant and she just looked at me and went "right, ok". she's not best known for her bedside manner tho lol

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