Vagina = death


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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That what it says in my IVF book anyway! (it's a blooming hard read :roll:)

The acidic conditions in the vagina kill sperm cells almost instantaneously and out of the tens of million sperm cells only a couple of hundred make it into the cervix at all.

Hmmmmmmmmmm, it's a shame i don't think i have a turkey baster... yet :oooo:
When you read things like that, it makes you wonder why the human race didn't die out centuries ago!
There is a 3 for 2 on the turkey basters in our Tescos lol honestly gov I was looking for a potato peeler x
That's cool, you could get a couple then, one for the Christmas turkey & one for a bun in the oven. ;)
There is a 3 for 2 on the turkey basters in our Tescos lol honestly gov I was looking for a potato peeler x

Hahahahaha! Old habits die hard, eh? lol ;) Now we know where your secret to success lol

I know Kizzi lol You'd think mummy nature would want us to reproduce :)
Ha ha at the turkey basters!!! Anything is worth a go tho! He he!!
Oh and i read something else too - if a women has too much of the hormone that makes boobies produce milk, that it can cause their period to disappear.

Just something that i didn't know that made me think of some of you ladeis :)
oh god and we wonder why were having such a hard time ttc........... hmm now we know
and turky basters are going to be selling out fast around the uk this week :P
Well ladies I used a syringe and you don't have to be gay to AI! Get to tescos!!!!!!
One of the most attention-grabbing titles ever hehe!
It reminded me of studying feminism and patriarchy lol!
Well ladies I used a syringe and you don't have to be gay to AI! Get to tescos!!!!!!

Everytime i consider self insemination, you are definately my inspiration :) I might just do it this time.

I already have a speculum after Shauna posted that cervical photos website, i wanted to see mine too - i'm not a squeemish person, but ewww gross.
You know this is not a bad idea lol....if I'm not pregnany by January, ill give it a go....
Oh and i read something else too - if a women has too much of the hormone that makes boobies produce milk, that it can cause their period to disappear.

Just something that i didn't know that made me think of some of you ladeis :)

And not having enough seems to have the same affect. I was lacking in prolactin at my blood tests and that can be a prob too :roll:
Nice title for a Friday night mate! Made me chuckle.

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