V cushion


Well-Known Member
Mar 13, 2007
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Just got my V cushion from Jojo bebe maman. Its brilliant. Cuddle it at night to get comfy with my now very in the way bump, and prop it behind me when I am reading in bed. A friend let be borrow hers when i had Abbie because they are great for when you feed baby after a c-section but had to give it back. So got my own and would highly recommend it. (hubby feels a bit pushed out now I cuddle my cushion!)
v-cushions are excellent. As are Boppy cushions (more of a semi-circle) although less common in the UK they are more popular than the V cushion in the States and can be used for resting LO on while feeding etc too, save the weight being on your arms the whole time. They are so easy to hand make too!! I've got a proper boppy (bought a plain one and sewed some covers in material that matched the nursery!!) and have made my own boppy (much softer etc) as it's more suitable to the newborn. They are great cushions though. My v-cushion came from John Lewis, wouldn't know what to do without it now, will most certainlly be passing it once once LO is old enough.
I got mine from Argos for £5.99 with an extra pillow case :cheer:
i have one too they are well comfy i love it.
so comfy at night no matter what way you put it.
FeeFee said:
I got mine from Argos for £5.99 with an extra pillow case :cheer:

I got mine from Argos too, but it only came with one pillowcase :(
I got mine from Argos for £5.99 with an extra pillow case

Wow Fee Fee £5.99!!!! Wish I had know! Just don't tell my DH.
Like the idea of making a cover to match the nursery things though.

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