consultant visit.


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2011
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Been to the consultant today and had a really good appointment.

C-section is provisionally booked for .................................................................................

Friday 23rd March!!!!!!!!!!

It is only provisional as it will be depended on the 32 and 36 week growth scans but at least we now know the latest we can cuddle our little fighter. I am so excited and been so emotional as now we at least have a countdown to work too and any earlier will just be a bonus. I cannot wait to meet my baby!!!!!!!

Book the date BabyBrain!!! Be interesting to see how close we can get!! lol
Hahahaha I've made a note of the date hunny!!!!

So glad you feel like there's a plan in place :hug: xxxxxxxxx
How did you manage to book c section. My consultant is adamant that she wants me to aim for vaginal birth, but I am petrified due to a 3rd degree tear during my last birth!
Hope if you had a vaginal tear then you are entitled to elective c-section. Am surprised they want you to go through vb with your LO anyway cos of the stress to you both (I would have thought your pregnancy was stressful enough hunny)

Push for c-section it's your right xxxxxxxxx
How did you manage to book c section. My consultant is adamant that she wants me to aim for vaginal birth, but I am petrified due to a 3rd degree tear during my last birth!

I was so lucky cos I had a emergency c-sec with my first they just offered it to me. I went gunning to fight for onr and they just said I could before I could ask!! Bit disappointed really I had my whole speech ready. lol.

You should totally push for one hun say its mentally distressing you the thought of a vaginal. Lay it on thick. lol
Hello Leannesxb

Hope you don't mind me asking but how was your first c-section? I'm expecting my first on 4th April and have been told that I might have to have a c-section because of a bowel operation I had in 2009.

I won't find out for sure until 23rd Jan when I see the consultant but it looks like this is the way it will go. I've spent that last 5 months mentally preparing myself for a 'natural birth' and now feel a bit strange that a c-section is likely especially as the midwife has spent the whole time saying how terrible it is.

Feeling a bit scared if I'm honest.....

Still I suppose it means I get to meet LO early :)

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