V uneventful mw appt


Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2010
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Just had my 40 week appt,babies still 3/5,bp normal,hb fine-all v borin! Booked in for a sweep next friday at home cos there wasn't any appts left at the clinic.

Gettin v frustrated now,especially as I saw my friend who had her baby new years eve so I got a cuddle which made me even more impatient xx
why did she not sweep you there and then? my 40 plus appointment is Wednesday and she said I could have one if I so wished?!! it's weird the way we all get different treatment depending were we live :eh:
They don't offer it til 7 days over-always been the same. Sweep at 7,induction at 10,my friend is due today aswel and her appt was just as uneventful as mine xx
With a sweep, do they just poke a finger up there? Can you do a home one? :blush:
Rósa;1801222 said:
With a sweep, do they just poke a finger up there? Can you do a home one? :blush:

I think they go right up and put their fingers inside the actual cervix so that is definitely NOT recommended to do at home :)
Yeah not a good idea to diy,she said she'l feel how long/short cervix is,if dilated at all and if it permits theyl put a finger in and have a root round x
i had a weep at 38 weeks! its so funny how every area is different! i let phil have a feel around in there. he could feel how dilated my cervix was but thb i thought i was gonna explode. id been having contractions for 3 days and no-one wanted to see me at a hospital and phil said he could fit 2 fingers in then 3 mongers in. saying that however, my water broke slowly which could have been due to the fact phil felt up there so i wouldnt recommend it as i ended up with an induction. However hosp was really surprised when i got there o be induced and was 5 cms dialted already1 not a surprose to us! x

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