Using the same name as a family member


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2008
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So, DH and I are closing in on our due date, and we STILL can't agree on a name. There is one that we both really like, but I have kept it out of the running due to my cousin's little boy having the name. Now, this cousin and I live about 3000 miles apart and see each other maaaaybe once every other year. We are friends on facebook, but even then I haven't directly spoken to her for any reason. I just like seeing pictures with the occasional update.

Would you feel strange giving your child the same name? If you were in her position, would you be upset that out of thousands of names, a family member just had to use your sons?

I can't stop thinking about this now, and as I lay in bed typing this at 3:30 am, I'm thinking maybe I should email her to ask her permission. I'd feel bad if she said no, but then again I wouldn't want to use the name I'd it would cause bad feelings, no matter how seldom I see and speak with her.
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If it was a close family member then I'd stay away from it, or ask if they'd mind but it doesn't sound as though you're very close so I say go for it! Can you change the spelling? If it's a name you really really love then I don't see a problem :)
i think the idea of asking your cousin if she would mind is a good idea, and Helens idea of spelling changing is really good to!!! if you really love it you shouldnt be put off using it!

i have a similar problem, my OH really likes a name (i dont mind it but it is the only one i can see being our sons name) the said name happens to be my granddads name, and i dont feel overly commutable using it for some reason!

best of luck xxx
I've got no choice but to calling it after my boyfriend if I have a boy, family tradition. I couldn't see why your cuz would have a problem with it, just speak to her but don't ask her because there are other moms out there that have called their children the same name I'm sure, so just say something like 'you really like the same name and can't get it out your head' then see what she says back, it's got nothing to do with you cuz anyway really, your entitled to call your baby what ever you want and it makes it nice to have two children with the same name in the family :) in my family we have all together on the one side 3 Andy's and 2 Jakes :) so most family's have more than one member of family with the same name :) x good luck
Thank you ladies for the replies :) After much thought, I think I may just end up using it as a middle name. I think that would just make things easier all around, and that way her little boy can remain his own individual person

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