Using a baby grow bag


Well-Known Member
Sep 30, 2013
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Hi everyone

I'd really like to try marley with a grow bag but i'm being a bit of a wimp!

He looks really comfy in his blankets and i'm worried he'll be cold in a growbag.

I have a 2.5 tog, would i need to put a blank over the top or anything? seems to be he'll get cold arms :(
You're not supposed to put any covers/blankets etc. over sleeping bags. Currently my son is in a 1 tog bag with a sleepsuit on and is plenty warm enough (he's a bit of a warm baby anyway and never wears a vest). Unless you have a freezing cold house, I would imagine your LO would be fine in a 2.5 tog bag, possibly on the warm side. Having said that, I used sheets and blankets for both of mine early on - Ella until she was 9 months old and Dan until he was 3 months (she was below the weight requirement for ages, he is massive!).
If you have a room thermometer, you can check the recommendations for what to dress them in. You don't need blankets as well.
Ive used a 2.5tog for my lo since birth (he was 11lb) he wears a sleepsuit and vest and our room is 20 degrees. His hand sometimes felt cold but thats ok better to be cooler than hot. When the room was cooler in winter id put a cellular blanket over him but under his arms and tucked in but you wont need one now its getting warmer. They really are great to use as you dont need to worry about baby getting blankets over their face or kicking them off and waking up.
Ive used a 2.5tog for my lo since birth (he was 11lb) he wears a sleepsuit and vest and our room is 20 degrees. His hand sometimes felt cold but thats ok better to be cooler than hot. When the room was cooler in winter id put a cellular blanket over him but under his arms and tucked in but you wont need one now its getting warmer. They really are great to use as you dont need to worry about baby getting blankets over their face or kicking them off and waking up.

Thank you thats perfect :), he's only 7lb at the minute so i might wait for him to grow into a bit and then change him over :)
My LO is 6wks tomorrow and weighing 11lbs - we are going to try our grobag tonight for first time.

We try swaddle him but he pulls his arms out so im confident be will be fine in grobag. Just checked and its a 2.5tog. So i too am thinking vest + sleepsuit underneath. We've a groegg thermometer that says room is 19-20degrees. Hopefully that will be ok.


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