
Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2007
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went to m/w app today. next app not booked until i'm overdue!! and said nothin we can do about SPD and they wouldnt look at sweep until i was overdue etc etc blah blah blah.. grrr i'm in pain the famlin idiots!! xx
aww hun sorry to hear that, i can see how fed up you are getting.. i feel like that too and im behind you!

Just think.. there WILL be light at the end of the tunnell!

Claire x
awwww hun what a horrible midwife she could have fast tracked you to physio as an urgent case at least grrrr try and keep your chin up hun you might not be waiting much longer and baby will be here and your spd will likely be gone a lot of peoples goes away straight after the birth mine has on both my last 2 pregnancies :hug: as for the sweep what about getting your o/h to do it for you :wink: xxxxxxxxx

My SPD went within a week after the birth. The first day was a huge improvement and by the end of the first week I had no pain there at all.
:hug: :hug: :hug:
Hopefully you would have had babs before you next MW app though hun! :cheer: :hug:
Stupid woman, that's nonsense! (I'm talking about the midwife, not you). Go to your GP. Ask to be referred to a physio - preferably a maternity physio but at this point take any kind. They can give you what they feel you need, be it exercises, support belt or crutches.

If you get crutches and you want a water birth make sure the hospital has a hoist. If it doesn't, leave the crutches at home!!!!!! Otherwise they won't let you use the pool :(

Take all the spare duvets in the house and put them on top of your mattress to cushion your hips at night. It won't stop the pain but it should mean you can stay in one position longer before waking up in pain. By the end I was waking up every 45 minutes and only getting a few hours sleep a night :( On the plus side, once my baby was here I got loads more sleep :D

Look at this leaflet:
It will give you all the information the phyio will (it's the leaflet the physio gave me).

After my 38 week appointment it took me 45 minutes to walk home on crutches - normally it's a 3 minute walk!!! Never has my flat seemed so far away and that was the last time I left the flat except to get to a car until I was in labour. The midwife wouldn't do a sweep until my next appointment which was at 40+4 which was a day earlier than they would usually do and they considered that to be a big favour and early. Baby didn't arrive for another 5 days though.
that is terrible. I only mentioned to my mw that my pelvis wasn't feeling right and she booked me in to see physcio x

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