Mydad gave me his old mattress and itreaks like smoke but we threw out old one out already i woke up this morning with a headache and again when i had my nap . Is there anything i could do to get ride of it all i can smell is smoke and well ive never smoked i hate the smell and i cant handle how it makes my head feel.
I dont want LO getting second hand smoke either /.... HELP any ideas appreciated thanks
Mydad gave me his old mattress and itreaks like smoke but we threw out old one out already i woke up this morning with a headache and again when i had my nap . Is there anything i could do to get ride of it all i can smell is smoke and well ive never smoked i hate the smell and i cant handle how it makes my head feel.
I dont want LO getting second hand smoke either /.... HELP any ideas appreciated thanks