used mattress


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2005
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Mydad gave me his old mattress and itreaks like smoke but we threw out old one out already :? i woke up this morning with a headache and again when i had my nap . Is there anything i could do to get ride of it all i can smell is smoke :puke: and well ive never smoked i hate the smell and i cant handle how it makes my head feel.
I dont want LO getting second hand smoke either /.... HELP any ideas appreciated thanks
the only thing i can think of is fabreeze both sides of matress a couple of times ? :?

It's what i'd have done.

Sorry i can't help more. :doh:
eek that sound to nice... i would say get a new one.....

i wouldn't have a clue of how to get rid of smoke :think:

Ill try that thanks
neeko i wish we could get a new one but we cant afford to thats why we got my dads used one but it was still better the our old one where you could feel the springs :?
I'd hoover it, cover it till quite damp in a fabric freshner (like Febreeze) and stick it outside (or on a balcony etc) to air for a few hours. I think I'd then repeat the process.
Nicola said:
I'd hoover it, cover it till quite damp in a fabric freshner (like Febreeze) and stick it outside (or on a balcony etc) to air for a few hours. I think I'd then repeat the process.

thats what i would do.. about 10 times to get rid of smoke, it will take time but will fade away in the end!

how about one of those covers to stop 'leakages'. would that stop the smell coming out? :think:

i would go with what the girls have said. frebreeze it and leave it outside if you can.

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