urine samples


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2011
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Lol I had to laugh at myself I mean a little tube and we have huge bellys I cannot even seen down their let alone aim for a little pot hole and my wee don't seem to come out of one place lol I never laughed so much doing my sample today x
:rofl: I was only thinking last week when I did mine how hard this will be in a few weeks time!
I hate doing them! I always end up covering my hand too ewww.... I also hate carrying them, especially since i have to carry it home afterwards and empty the pot myself!
Lol I know, how hard is it to get it in the tube! Then the embarressment of handing over a wet tube of pee! When i'm at the doc, the give you a foil tray to pee in the you pour that in to the tube, I dunno why they don't all do that, it's so much easier!
yeh i always get an empty pot for next time and i leave it in my bad and i pulled my purse out the other day and rolled out my piss pot ha ha watching it roll away i had to do little jog down street to get it but i am sure people understand that we just have to do these things lol x
I had loads of spare measuring cups in the cupboard so I've just been using one of them to wee in, then I can just pour it into the tube after - much easier! x

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