Urine Infection...early sign??


Active Member
Dec 8, 2011
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Hi lovely ladies, congratulations on your BFP's!

I'm just popping over from the TTC thread, as I am after some advice please!

Did any of you have a urine infection before you found out you was pregnant???

I have never had one of these in my life, & have one now! Went to see nurse who confirmed it was an infection & put me on a short 3 day course of anti-biotics (baby friendly just in case). It sorted the issue, but now it has re-occurred. Just strange that I've never had this before!

Did a PG test & BFN, but was just wondering if this is an early sign??

Thanks xxxx
Before I found out I was pregnant I thought I had a urine infection. We weren't ttc so the fact I could be pregnant didn't enter my mind. Turned out no infection, just a little bean starting to grow in there! Good luck :) xxxx

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I've had a few UTI's in my time but none just before my BFP.
Its not usually a symptom, but u never know.
Wait a few days and test again.
Good luck x

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I had a really bad bout of Cystitis for like a month non stop, it was agony!

I used to get them a hell of alot before I was pregnant, and I think I might have been taking anti biotics for them before I found out I was pregnant too.

Mine usually start with the needing to wee alot more, and a stingy sensation when you cut off from weeing.
Then the backache and blood in my wee kicks in.
Nasty nasty things!!

Also being prenant now, makes you a bit stingy I feel :( Even thought my wee sample came back fine! Typical!

My advice - Drink LOADS of Cranberry Juice. Not the cheap stuff, the Ocean Spray stuff, I HATED it before I had to drink it, but you can drink it with lemonade and stuff which makes it sweeter.
But by god, it really does work, I was drinking about a litre or two a day haha!

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