Posted: Tue Jul 5, 2005 3:55 am
Post subject: URGENT: Honest advice on miscarriage needed.
I think i am finally miscarrying and I need some honest advice on what to expect. My most recent scan dates me at 6w. I started bleeding (red) 48 hours ago and it varies between light/medium. They might consider a D&C in a week's time but i feel it will happen before then.
The doctor said it will be "just like a period" but i suspect this is not true. I would rather be prepared than traumatised through shock. If it helps, here is a summary of what has happened over the past few weeks.
Many thanks for any help you can give me.
O - stopped charting March 2005 but OPK 15th April.
Last bd - 17th May.
LMP 1st May
BFP 1st June
4th June Red Bleed & cramps. US- nothing. Beta 125. Told mc.
6th June Beta 155. Told mc confirmed.
8th June Beta 298. Told to hope.
10th June Beta 350. Told not to hope.
11th June Beta 500. US - nothing. Told probable ectopic.
13th June Negative laparoscopy.
20th June Beta 2979. US - 8mm gestational sac + yolk sac. Told to hope.
2nd July Red bleed. No pain. US - 16mm sac, yolk sac, no pole.
Told blighted ovum - pg "100% gone". No hope.
4th July US - 18mm sac, yolk sac, no pole.
Told not blighted ovum, 90% prob mc-ing, 10% may be viable.
Told cant have D&C til sac 20mm.
11th July US booked. ? D&C
Thankyou for taking the time to read my post - really appreciate it.
Love, and lots of it,
Post subject: URGENT: Honest advice on miscarriage needed.
I think i am finally miscarrying and I need some honest advice on what to expect. My most recent scan dates me at 6w. I started bleeding (red) 48 hours ago and it varies between light/medium. They might consider a D&C in a week's time but i feel it will happen before then.
The doctor said it will be "just like a period" but i suspect this is not true. I would rather be prepared than traumatised through shock. If it helps, here is a summary of what has happened over the past few weeks.
Many thanks for any help you can give me.
O - stopped charting March 2005 but OPK 15th April.
Last bd - 17th May.
LMP 1st May
BFP 1st June
4th June Red Bleed & cramps. US- nothing. Beta 125. Told mc.
6th June Beta 155. Told mc confirmed.
8th June Beta 298. Told to hope.
10th June Beta 350. Told not to hope.
11th June Beta 500. US - nothing. Told probable ectopic.
13th June Negative laparoscopy.
20th June Beta 2979. US - 8mm gestational sac + yolk sac. Told to hope.
2nd July Red bleed. No pain. US - 16mm sac, yolk sac, no pole.
Told blighted ovum - pg "100% gone". No hope.
4th July US - 18mm sac, yolk sac, no pole.
Told not blighted ovum, 90% prob mc-ing, 10% may be viable.
Told cant have D&C til sac 20mm.
11th July US booked. ? D&C
Thankyou for taking the time to read my post - really appreciate it.
Love, and lots of it,