URGENT contractions question!! *Morning update*

Jen & Her Men

Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2007
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I am timing my contractions and they appear to be coming every 8 mins BUT they dont last very long and they dont seem to be as painful as I imagine they should. They are very bearable at the mo with the odd horrible twinge that really hurts.

Do you think they arent real?? They have got closer together, i have had em all day and they were about 15 mins apart but have got closer together. But as i say, they just dont seem strong enough or long enough to be the real thing.

Any advice would be gratefully received as I dont want to get caught short and end up delivering in the car or at home!!


*Morning Update*
Thanks for all your advice ladies. I ended up calling the labour ward about midnight last night and explained my symptoms. The very nice midwife advised me to take 2 paracetemol, get a long hot bath, and go to bed and try and get some rest and I would know if I needed to come in cos the pain would be bad.
So I did as she instructed and although the pains are still here they arent unbearable and i did get some sleep (although I dreamt all night long that i was being chased by a serial killer who kept stabbing me in the stomach!! :shock: )
This morning - nothing to report. :( My son is officially a Valentines tease!!! I still have a few twinges and stuff but nothing major.
Got a hospital appointment today anyway for a sweep so will update later on!
Thanks again for all your advice girls - I would be lost without this forum!
:hug: :hug: :hug:
i cant help cos i didnt have a normal labour but i just wanted to say good luck! sounds like it could be a valentines baby :cheer: :hug:
sounds like it cud be first part of labour... its the lengh and strengh of contractions aswell as the space between that counts if they are not to painful then jst hang around lool wen they get worse and longer call ur labour ward...

yay sounds like were guna have a valintines baby :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
I haven't a clue but I wanted to wish you luck and give you these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I had simular to what you explain for about 6 hours before they got "Really sore" and i went to the hospital. (about an hour after that i was in established labour 3cm+) I still didnt give birth for about another 18 hours lol.
But EVERYONE is different theres no telling how long your labour will be.

Maybe go for a long bath, get any last minute bits ready etc.. if they get closer together or more sore, get your self to hospital.

GOOOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :hug: :hug:
Firstly yey :cheer: Secondly it's really hard to say as apparently everyone feels contractions differently. I had what you are describing last night, contractions started coming regularly, were uncomfortable but not super painful. Eventually after a few hr's they stopped though :wall: If yours are coming bang on every 8mins and for a while I would call the MW or L&D ward and ask their advice. In the meanwhile, keep timing and if they keep any stronger or closer together get moving to the hosp :cheer:
sounds like early labour to me - agree though stay at home as long as possible - usual advice particularly with a first is to go in once contractions unbearable - if in doubt give your labour ward a ring - helps them manage beds if they know you'll be coming in soon anyway - good luck :):)

Sounds promising!!!

How are things this morning hun?
Thats just like i was with kieron and then all of a sudden after about 5 hours by god did they kick in and it was all go, good luck hun :dance:
I bet when they do your sweep you are already dilating!

Good luck. (and don't forget patientline) :lol:

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