
Must be another full moon all these labour watches!!! Good luck Poppy!!
It's actually a new moon tonight in the Northern hemisphere. Still a fortnight 'til the next full moon. :D xx
Good luck!! 21st Feb is a fantastic day to be born!!! Wishing you both all the best xxx
Sorry for delay, all my efforts were on the birth! I will do my full birth story asap and let you all know! Heres a few snippits- Contractions started at 1 min long and more regularly at midnight on mon/ tues got to 6 cm at home by 11.30am tues as called the local midwife to check me, by time we arrived at hospital I was 8 cm and still only using tens machine and hypno breathing. Arrived at delivery suite at 1pm Tuesday, she finally arrived at 3.35pm so not too long. Used gas and air on the final stretch and it did help! Born healthy at 7lb 7oz, she was very calm throughout the birth very steady heart rate. My midwives said I was amazing- aww. We named her Gwen. More details to follow for anyone interested in hypnobirthing. Personally it got me through!!! She is totally amazing, felt like I've never worked so hard during the birth but she is beyond wonder! Pictures to follow xxx

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