upset about babys size


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2007
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my midwife called just now to chat to me about the growth scan i had monday and asked babys estimated birth weight. i told her the rude sonographer wouldnt tell me so she rang hosp to go through my notes. midwife came back to say baby is 9lbs now, and if baby were to grow at same rate and follow same curve on chart she would be 10.5lbs on my due date. (they gonna induce me on 15th feb so will be approx 10lbs)

*on your growth chart in your maternity book, my original estimated line pointed to 4500 gramms which is 9lbs ish, my curve has gone off that scale and the line now points to highest on the chart 5000g which i think is 10.5lbs)*

im really upset. i feel selfish for thinking it and i know i should be grateful shes healthy but keep thinking shes going to look really obese and people will make comments about her being fat and ugly. im gutted. dont want her to be ridiculed. :(

im also worried about delivering her and wish they would let me have her now. cant stop stressing about it.

know i should smack him over the head but hubby doing my head in making comments about fat babies, and how he doesnt want obese child etc. and how fat babies look with all their rolls and their eyes sunk in their cheeks. cant believe he can be so insensitive.
crying now, im anxious and scared. :cry:
A lot of these have been wrong though, I wouldn't try not too worry too much. My nephew was 10 pounds at birth and he was gorgeous, he wasn't what I would call fat either :hug:

Aww. Sorry you are upset and getting those insensitive comments from your hubby.

Please don't worry. First of all, those weight estimates are not always accurate. Second of all, your baby is unlikely to keep growing and growing at a constant rate - especially towards the end of the pregnancy.
And the last thing anyone will be thinking about when they see your daughter is how "obese" she looks!! I've seen loads of pics of newborns and none of them have looked "fat" or "obese" - not even the really heavy ones.

And to be honest I think the pain of delivering a smaller baby is probably just as bad as if the baby is a bit heavier. Either way, it's a huge thing that's got to go through a small hole. :shock: You're not the only one worried about it!! But we'll manage it nonetheless and (hopefully) the pain will quickly be forgotten.

Chin up and yes, give your hubby a smack over the head if it makes you feel better. I'd do it for you if I could! :D
I can totally understand how you are feeling, but when I was born I was 10lb 2 and looked just like your average baba, was more big boned than fat, and my friend had her baby boy last year and he was almost 12lb, he was a little chubby but absolutley adorable with it.

As for men they are always the same, my hubby has been winding me up about my stretch marks, i dont think they realise at all ow sensitive we can be while preggers.

Wishing you all the best and your little baby will be gorgeous.

My Jayden weighed 7lb 5oz and looked so so skinny, he had to wear clothes for a baby under 5lb, I think we all just worry too much. I thought he was so skinny his ears looked huge :D which looking back they didnt. :D
they can be way WAY out when guessing babies weight hun. My OH sis gave birth to her baby this morning and she weighed 9lb 8oz. She is big but she only looks so so healthy, pink and gorgeous.

The only reason I wince at big babies is because I think OMG it will hurt but whatever size baby is coming out of your foo is gonna hurt. There are so many plus sides to having a good weight baby...apparently they sleep better, they're easier to get hold of to dress etc and they are just as they say on the tin...big and healthy! :D

Try not to worry hun, your princess will be stunning :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks ladies. might just be me being hormonal but ive cried since mw left and yes men dont realise how hurtful theyre comments can be x
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Your little girl is going to be gorgeous whatever weight she is born at. My neice was just under 10lbs and she is just beautiful.
You poor thing dont worry your baby will be beautiful, men can come out with some silly things at times my OH says about lauren he does not want her to be a fat child i am like worry about your extra tyres b4 you worry about her :rotfl:

i always have small babies and would love to have a bonnie baby my sister was nearly 9lb born (23 yrs ago) and she is perfect i no big babies who turned into skinny little things. just look forwqard to having your baby.

marie x
i was 9lbs 8 when i was born, but took 18 months to double my birthweight, and was from that point on in the bottom percentile for weight for my age- believe me birthweight has nothing to do with how big a baby turns out as a child!!!
:hug: Most of my friends have had 9lb plus babies and not one of them looked fat..... just very cute and healthy :D

My MW recons my baby could be around 8 1/2 lbs, I know that is not huge but when she said it I must have looked scared stiff! She laughed and said not to worry as bigger babies are sometimes delivered easier than little ones!

Try not to worry too much, no one really knows how big your baby will be :hug:
Thing is you don't know how long the baby will be at birth. Tia was a big baby... but very long which made her seem skinny... and she grew so rapidly that she never got to that "fat" baby stage which all babies go through.

Serena is a much smaller baby in length and she actually seems to look chubbier than her sister. She actually lost weight after birth too... but its her length that does it.

The scans aren't brilliantly accurate on size either. They may say you're baby will be around 10lbs but it may pop out much lighter... :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Also remember that larger babies tend to do better at school when they are older than smaller there are positives to having a bigger baby :hug: :hug: :hug: I know how you feel though because I felt very much the same in the way that i feel that I missed out on the "baby" stage because they were so big to start off with...
it hurts wether the baby is 6 lb or 10 lb!
my 1st was 6lb 11 & the boys were both 8 & half lbs, its all to do with the head size anyway, not the weight.

any sort of person that would ever comment on a 'chubby' baby, has got to be a bit of an idiot anyway, so i wouldn't even worry about what people say.

tell you're hubby that you're lucky you have a healthy baby on the way, nothing to do with wether shes 5 or 10 lb.
good luck.
Hannah was 10lb at birth hun and she didnt look that massive first size cloths still were to big and she was 18 months before she doubled her birth weight
Give your OH a slap from me! I'm sure he thinks he's being funny even though it's plainly not.

I was 10lb+ when born and I had (and still have) a relatively large frame. Looking at pictures, I wouldn't say I was a 'fat' baby.

At this stage, it's just their best guess - it's not scientific fact. :)
my ryan was 10lb 7.5oz, and he didnt look fat/obese. He was obviously a little chubby but i think it made him look extra cute :hug:
I love a big chubby baby...all mine were they are crumptious.....

They are all now very average in weight and not a fat cell in sight...birth weight has nothing to do with it i'm sure..

:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Plus the fact they get it oh so very wrong......
M was almost 10lb when he was born 9lb 15oz!
He wasn't a "fat" baby. and his weight evened out as he was 62cm long! He just looked as a newborn should. And he still fit into most his clothes. And no0w he's 7 and no bigger than any of his peers!

So don't worry, Big is beautiful chick! :hug:
Awww, don't cry and tell hubby not to be so silly either! It doesn't matter how big your baby is weight wise, it can be long too and that will add to the weight.

Your baby will be gorgeous no matter how big or small so don't you worry!! :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
My baby was 9 lb 8oz - I knew he was going to be big before he was born and felt a bit like you do - I thought people would laugh at him or me and think it was because I ate too much. Well he was born two weeks ago and he is not one bit chubby he is just long and strong and has no excess weight and all I felt was so proud of him for being a big strong healthy baby and loved every inch of him - I dont think you need to worry :hug: :hug:

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