Ups and Downs

Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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I guess we all feel this way, especially when we're tired, but I wondered. Lately, one day everything is hunky dory and I'm so happy to be a mom and everything is rose tinted - the next I'm tired, flat, irritable, anxious, and feel unable to connect with OH or with our daughter. I wondered is it a symptom of fatigue or something more serious (possible depression?)

Feeling at a disconnect from everything is a symptom of depression, but wondering if I'm just tired today, or just in bad form. I suppose we can't always be leaping out of our skins eh?

Hi Sue...
I think what you're experiencing is perfectly "normal". After all, you're still at the very beginning of life-changing events. We all go through the motions whether it's our first baby or our last.
It takes so much out of one to adjust to wakeful nights. The tiredness is bound to catch up and make us all agitated from time to time. Just because you have the odd "off" day, shouldn't mean that you may be suffering from depression. However, if you feel that it might well be, see you HV about it, but don't be hard on yourself. You're doing a bloody tough job and when the job doesn't always include a "tea break", who wouldn't get a wee bitty befuddled? :? :)

So, put the guilt aside, run a bath, have a cuppa, a slab of choccie and indulge yourself EVERY night. DH can hold the fort while you dream of life with Brad Pitt............ even just for a minute........BLISS!!!!! :D :D
Chin up :wink:
Emilia xx
I feel excatly the same some times, then start worrying its depression. I dont think it is - I think we read in too much to these things sometimes. We're bound to feel irratable, anxious, down etc when you have a baby screaming all day & are lacking sleep!
Dont worry tiny Sue, your only human & this motherhood milarky is not easy. But if it lasts and you never feel happy then maybe speak to your doc..

p.s We had our babies on the same day ! :)
Gosh thanks girls, it's good to hear that I am not the only one...and really I doubt that it IS PND, just the odd off day.

Duds, Naomi was three and a half weeks early. Were you right on time?
PM me!

I was excatly 1 week early - 6Jan 1930 and she was 8lb5 :shock: xxx

everyone gets the odd off day i get them about once a week but then you have all your good days.
Hope your feeling okay.
xxx Katrina

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