Tillytots said:I dont want to win Biffest Baby!My poor bits
Sounds like you had a really good scan todayDo you have to ask them to not disclose the sex? I could hardly see anything at my last scan, just lots and lots of baby and his head was squished so you couldnt see his face!! He is going to come out sooooo squished up
blesss him!
The sonographer asked us at the start if we had been told the sex already at our 20 week scan. He made no mention of looking for us then

I was amazed he took as long as he did with the scan. He was really detailed. Mind you he had been told it was a positional scan to check where baby was lying

O and LO is now LOL and in perfect position. But still flips over to be ROL whenever. Was ROL at last MW appointment but seems to be favouring my left side more now.