*Updated pg 1* Dreaded Dr time again *rant ranty MacRant*

Tillytots said:
I dont want to win Biffest Baby! :lol: My poor bits :rotfl:

Sounds like you had a really good scan today :) Do you have to ask them to not disclose the sex? I could hardly see anything at my last scan, just lots and lots of baby and his head was squished so you couldnt see his face!! He is going to come out sooooo squished up :rotfl: blesss him!

The sonographer asked us at the start if we had been told the sex already at our 20 week scan. He made no mention of looking for us then :lol:

I was amazed he took as long as he did with the scan. He was really detailed. Mind you he had been told it was a positional scan to check where baby was lying :roll: :wall: We said nope, growth scan because baby is meant to be a biff :lol: So he was really good and took a long look and worked a while to get decent measurements and reckoned LO had a growth spurt back at 34 weeks and had evened out a bit now based on todays results.

O and LO is now LOL and in perfect position. But still flips over to be ROL whenever. Was ROL at last MW appointment but seems to be favouring my left side more now.
aww thats really good :) I cant wait to see how big or small our babies are. I rekon they'll be lovely size :)

My bubs loves swapping from LOA to ROA all day long! As long as they dont go anywhere near the OP positions we'll be ok!! xx
I think your reasoning is sound and that you've obviously been doing a lot of reading, thinking and talking. You've covered in your head what you will do in case of an emergency and I don't think you're being idealistic. I think all you want is to be listened to! I've just finished reading Birth: a History by Tina Cassidy which was fascinating if you haven't already read it but it highlights the vast gap that still exists in some places between doctors and midwives, home and hospital. It's the 21st Century for goodness sake!

Anyhoo, getting off my soap box now, I think you should stand your ground. No one has any idea of how things will go. I've got a bum the size of a hippo but genetics handed me a less than perfect pelvic cavity which meant that a complicated labour last time was complicated further by shoulder dystocia. I'm sure that most of my complications were brought on by fear, lack of support and lack of being listened to whilst in a sterile, understaffed and uncaring maternity unit but it still would have ended the same way with my son's shoulders getting well and truly stuck. I'm gutted that I have to have a cesarean this time - I'd love to have a home delivery but I need to do what's safe and I think your doctors need to understand that you would do the same.
Just wanted to pass on some :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: You're going to know all this anyways but wanted to post, I felt so passionate about having my homebirth with Isaac but after a few days labouring at home I had a scan and they mentioned possible infection so I admitted myself, turns out neither Isaac nor me had any infection in the end.

What you've been through with your appointments reminds me of what we had to endure whilst I was pregnant with Isaac :roll: High BMI, fundal height always 2wks ahead, big baby jargon, and first baby, I got the lot, I was even told I could have a padded pelvis :wink: :lol: If your baby is too big you won't progress, and any MW worth her salt can shift the shoulder if baby has issues doing it themselves, shoulder dystocia in hospital cannot be corrected any quicker than at home.

Anyways, on the no intervention if you decide to transfer to hospital, I wanted to just highlight the fact that they will abide your wishes for only so long, if your labour is longer than their protocol they will intervene, so if your labour is slow I would stay at home as long as possible, I did, then they gave me 10hrs in hospital but I went from 7 to 4cm dialted, probably because OH had to go home and I was alone, in labour, in a hospital :( Then the drip was administered and the birth I had hoped for was gone :(

It's easy to believe you are in control of your labour in hospital but cross their protocol lines and it really is taken away from you. From someone who's had a looooooong labour I would just say if you feel comfortable and happy at home, despite all this talk of LO's size, stay at home as long as possible. I loved my labour up to 7cm dialted, at home, no pain, it was exciting and intense, but that went when they administered that darn drip (though I do know many women have no negative/harsh effects from the drip, wish I could say the same) Very best wishes, I do hope this is received positively as I wanted to wish you well with your labour and birth and hope its as natural as possible for you, wherever you end up :hug: :hug: :hug:

Sorry I waffled a bit there :oops: :hug:

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