**UPDATED**AmandaPanda's Labour Watch!!


Well-Known Member
Oct 25, 2010
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Guys, it happening for her now!!

After being in and out of hospital with suspected pre-eclampsia, they have decided to break her waters NOW!!! They are just prepping things for her on the ward so looks like little man will be joining the world tonight or tomorrow!!!!

Will edit this post with updates as I get them!!

I'm sure you'll all join me in wishing our Amanda the best of luck!


UPDATE... txt at 07:10

Good morning! Hope u have slept well! Some of us have been busy labouring all thru the nite! Last check an hour ago am 4-5cm dilated, so it's slow + steady. Have totally skipped other pain killers + gone straight to epidural as that's what they recommended as am totally stuck to bed cos of drip + monitor. Epidural has been fab but wearing off now so doc coming back to assess.everything has been manageable so far tho! XX

Half way there for her now!! And Shauna, if you see this thread, see how pleasant you can make it for yourself!!?? If u want an epi girl, HAVE ONE!!! Lol!!

Will let u know when there's more .....

*txt from Amanda just now*

have been at it for 12hrs but not really making much progress. No pain as have had epidural but just not dilating + baby not moving down. They're talking about c section :( x
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yay ive been waiting for this post good luck amanda :)
Whooooo hoooooo been waiting for this too :dance:

Good luck Amanda!!!!

Yey!!! Another labour watch. I love this bit. Good luck Amandapanda, we're all thinking of you & hoping labour will be a breeze & little man arrives soon x

Sunnyb xxx
Yes!!!!!! I am so so happy good luck hun mwah x x
wow all the best Amanda - cant wait to come in a few hours and hear the news! x
Yay good luck Amanda hope little man here soon xxx

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