Update On Princess_Puddles!

Hes sooooOoo cute!! awww thats got me all broody! Hes adorable!! :cheer:

Congrats :hug: xx
a huge congratulations to you both :cheer: :dance:

hes absolutly beautiful :D love his name :D

well done hun, you did brilliantly :D

hayley & owen xxx :hug:
What a fantastic story!! I am crying my eyes out!! Well done you guys!!

He looks so gorgeous, hope you all enjoy your first day as a family :hug: xx
congratulations puddles and family on the birth of your little boy harrison, well done you on your quick birth, He is gorgeous hunny :hug: :hug: :hug: xxx
Mica I am soooooo proud of you!

Have been eagerly awaitin the news of Harrison's arrival (thanks Tim proud dad!) and I think its fab you just did it on gas and air; cant wait to hear a more in depth birth story soon :D

He is gorgeous, congrats to all of you xxx
congratulations, so glad you made it tim just in the nick of time!! i knew you should have stayed there!!

well done mica and welcome harrison, you did so well mica i hope i am as strong as you when the time comes xx :cheer:
Congratulations!!! Amazingly fast labour!!! Well done honey!!
Glad ur OH made it in time!!!
He is BEAUTIFUL u must be so proud!! Cant wait for more pics xxx :hug: :cheer:

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