Update On Princess_Puddles!

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:
Hi its Tim again. Well there has been an 'interesting development' since my last post!!
I got home from the hospital, made that last post 5 minutes later, stayed on the laptop for about another 10 minutes then played my xbox 360 for a while before deciding to go to bed at 11:55pm. Went upstairs, got ready for bed, was just about to get into bed......and the phone rings!
It was the midwife at the hospital, the conversation went like this:
MW: Hi its Harlow hospital here, we have transfered Mica to the labour ward

Me: Ok are things starting to happen then?

MW: Yes she is going to give birth very soon

Me: When you say soon...how soon?

MW: half an hour to an hour


I shouts "KEEEEELLLLLYYY (mica's mum) we're going to the hospital mica is giving birth within the hour!!"
I was dressed in 10 seconds and we were out the door in 2 minutes. Hospital is 25 minutes away so I'm blatting down the motorway at 90, feeling shocked/scared/worried/almost in tears. We get to the hospital I park in the midwifes car parking spot (right outside the labour ward lol) and we rush in.
We got there at 12.31am, Harrison Keyon Goodall was born at 12:35am :D we got there in time by FOUR minutes!
As to exactly what happened I will leave Mica to explain, but the basic gist is that she was in full blown labour for only 2 and half hours! She went from 1.5cm to fully dilated in less than 2 hrs.
I can't explain the feeling, but from getting ready for bed to 35 mins later seeing your son getting born is a life changing experience.
He was born, Mica got him placed straight on her chest whilst I cut the cord (proud dad) and then we both collapsed in a flood of tears.
He is a perfect little boy, 7lb10oz, he cried when he was born but settled and is a gorgeous quiet little baby.
I am SO very proud of Mica, she only used TENS and a little gas and air, and she did so well and stayed strong even when me and her mum weren't there. I love them both to bits and I am the happiest person in the world, this is without a doubt the best and most proudest day of my life. I will let mica go into more detail as to what happened and why, and she will put more pics up, but here is one of Harrison sharing his first cuddle with his Nan:

I am now off to bed for the best 3hrs sleep of my life, before going back to hospital for 11am.
Goodnight all x :sleep:
Gratz Tim and Mica :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

On the birth of Harrison :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

He looks sooo cute well done :hug: :hug:
:shock: WOW I can't believe you JUST made it in time! Well done for getting there and well done to all of you - congratulations :hug:
Awwww congrats to both of you!!! So pleased and he's gorgeous! Glad you made it just in time :cheer:
yay well done mica!!!

u did so well!!! :cheer: :cheer:

welcome to the world harry!!
Www congrats he is beautiful :cheer: :cheer:

well done Tim for getting there in time
and well done Mica for just using G&A and tens :dance:
Aww wow thats just fantastic!! Well done Princess :dance: :cheer:

What a gorgeous little man you have!! :cheer: :hug:
Yay!! Congratulations Mica & Tim - Welcome into the world Harrison :cheer:
Oh WOW, i'm so glad you made it in time :dance:

Well done to you both and welcome to the world Harrison , beautiful name by the way. :D

Congrats :dance: :dance: :dance:
Congratulations hunni!!!
I cant believe you did ur finally a mummy
isnt it the best feeling in the world :D

Well done tim for just makin it lol

and that was a gd labour unlike my 23 n a half hours lol

Hunni he is absolutely gorgeous i cant w8 4 more pics

youve dun so well! congratulations both of you
and welcome to the world little harrison you are beautiful

lots of love louse, ian n keryn xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Wow, what an exciting dash to the hospital - glad you and Mica's Mum made it in time Tim. Congratulations on your little boy and on just coping with the gas and air Mica.

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