*Update Oct 10 in first post* I am officially incontinent!

JoAnn&Aimee said:
4.5 months?! That is the NHS for you though! :shakehead:

I am going to speak to my doctor about this as I am still wearing pads. If I cough or sneeze it is like a full bladder, not just a dribble.

They will class that as stress incontinence probably and advise you on doing pelvic floor exercises a lot. May refer you to physio for it. Unitl thats been tried they probably won't do much else. Just keep persevering with the pelvic floor as often as you can. It does help.

Don't expect to get pads on the NHS though. If you do straight away it'll be great, but be prepared to look into how to get them yourself via something like the Surgical Investigation unit that I went through. And it may require an assement and further investigation :roll:

Good luck, let me know how you get on.
aww bless u sherlock, i hope everything works out ok and u can have baby #2! :dance:

i am SO intrigued about what this procedure entails! sounds scarey whatever it is, good luck girl!
i'm so pleased that you've got a good gynae doctor, and thrilled that you've got the go-ahead to try for no.2 in the near future :cheer: :cheer: obviously it sucks that you've still got to live with the incontinence until then, but it seems like there's a pretty positive outlook for the long term future. i hope so anyway :hug:
Really glad that your doc sounds supportive and that another baby and homebirth is possible. Again, it's a pity you have to wait but good news that she has a good idea of what the issue is.
Glad to hear you got a positive response about ttc again.
Its a shame you have to wait for answers but it sounds like they can help fix it. :hug:

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