twitching - update page 2


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2007
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is twitching normal for babies of willows age she seems do do it about 10 ish times a day she will be sitting and playing and then she will suddenly nod her head 2/3 times in a row, she is a very hyper baby never sits still unless she is sleeping do you think this could be something to do with it because to be honest i am getting a little worried about it.

i have mentioned it to doctor but he said they do when thy are tired but she does it all the time. :think: :think:


Willow is still twiching and seems to be doing uncontrolabele movements and she is doing it all the time i have never noticed another baby doing it and i am still really worried im thinking of taking her to the docs but dont really know what it could be i am thinking of telling him i want her to see a specialist or someting.

if any of your babys seem to be doing the same thing could you please let me know because i am sure this is not normal she has been like it for about 4/5 months now.

UPDATE 31/1/08

Well we took Willow to the docs today and he is going to talk to a doctor at great ormand street to see if he thinks willow needs to go there for tests, he thinks it is nothing serious and she should hopefully grow out of it by the time she is walking around but there is still a possability she has to go for tests :cry:
i feel ok because i know she is develping normally but it is still a worry.
Gabs used to do this and it really worried me. She did it for a while but doesn't do it anymore. I don't think it is anything to worry about at all; I am sure it was just a new move that she had learnt.

I am sure Gabs was about Willows age when she did it too :D
Do you mean she is shaking her head?

Its hard to explain, but from around 8 months until very recently Evie would be sitting playing and then start shaking her head from side to side (like you would if you were saying no) but it would be really fast. She'd do it for around 30secs+ sometimes just the head, sometimes with arm movements as well, a few times she fell over cause she shook her head so hard it unbalanced her! ( :lol: ) It would happen a few times every day.

I put it down to just another phase, in fact you could get her to copy you doing it sometimes which made me not too worried. Or you could snap her out of it if you shouted or clapped your hands.

If you are worried though hun, get it checked out, thats what the docs are there for :D

Hope this helps :D
I would just go air your worry to your GP, see what they say and take it from there,
and try not to worry too much, go see the GP and very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
thanks girls

fluffy - yeah its hard to explian but it is similar to that its like head nodding shaking with hand movements, when she gats on to all fours she shakes her head, although it only seems to be t the one side not side to side (if that makes sense) i have always said if she is still doing it when she is 1 i will take it further so i will wait until then its not that long to wait
:hug: :hug: :hug:
hopefully the doctors right and its nothing, i kno it must be hard not to worry! :hug:
hope all goes ok with willow. keep us posted becky x x
Leif used to do a really weird head jerky movement every now and again, it was really weird like a nodding head but with his chin in kind of if you know what i mean. I was on the verge of speaking to paediatrician about it but he seems to have stopped it now.

Does that sound anything like what you little lady is doing?
yeah flame that pretty much sounds the same but she also has fast hand movement to i left it for a little while and just put it down to one of those things babys do but my OH was getting really freaked out by it and she is doing it loads so we took her to docs to just to be sure, hopefully nothing will come of it and she will grow out of it but until we see the doc again next week after he has spoken to a doc in GOS im not going to worry to much ill just sendself silly with worry otherwise.
just to let you know willow has her 2nd docs appointment today and we will fined out if we have to take her to great ormand street for tests :pray: we dont have to. her appointment is tonight so i'll post later.
Good luck :hug: Hope everything goes ok. Are you still worried? Keep us updated.
i've been trying not to think about it all week but now today has arrived i feel a bit nervous. guess i will just have to wait and see.
Any news love?

I swear I'm going to make my millions by inventing a baby that comes without worry!!!!

:hug: :hug: :hug:

My little boy does this kind of thing. He will shake his head or nod it up and downfor about 30 seconds. He does it a lot when he is in his highchair. I think it is completely normal. I think he is just discovering all the things he can do with his body and all the different movements he can make. I wouldn't worry but hugs anyway :hug:
docs went fine yesterday we have to keep a diary of when she is doing it to see if we notice a pattern or to see if it gets worse or better if it gets better then no need to take it any further but if it gets worse we have to tae her bac to docs in a month or two, so fingers crossed it gets better.

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