UPDATE: now in temporary accomodation!

Well, i spoke to a 'housings options officer' today about our situation, they told us a while ago that IF we got moved into temp housing it would be anywhere in Wiltshire which would mean that Liam and me would be seperated because he has to be in Salisbury to work...

So anyway, I am going to my Consultant appointment at the hospital tomorrow and they want to talk to me about my daily injections and also my high-risk pregnancy so i am going to get them to write me a note explaining that Liam is the only one trained to do my injections and that they cannot isolate me in the middle of nowhere without him/any support with a young baby and a high risk pregnancy.

They were completely useless about it to be honest, refused to really listen to what i was saying and were generally unhelpful! I am going to go and talk to them about things face to face on Friday and hopefully we can get somewhere.

They are useless though!!! Totally and utterly useless!
I wish my council was as good as yours im now going back on the council list as my MW and HV and social worker dont like the fact that i live in a flat above a shop so have steep stairs to get into the property and then i have steep stairs in the property.
This i s a private rental which the council found for me and paid the deposit for me as i was being evicted and there was no council properties available. but is totally not suitable for a mum with a newborn and with a joint disorder.

I have spoke to my council and they have said even with letters from my specialist, my health visitor, my social worker i could still be waiting over a year for a property to become available.:wall2:

I really dont hold out much hope for a new place anytime soon
Whoop! Great news, a good friend of mine has bought a house that he plans to let, he will sort of live there too but not really and intends to eventually live in the massive garden in a yurt! So we have a nice 3 bed house, with driveway, garage, garden and parking for £750 per month (including bills)

Its fantastic! we move in August 1st :) So excited :D :D
well the house fell through :( such a shame :(

We have had to contact our local MP regarding the attitude of the housing 'options' team in Salisbury, they are threatening to house us miles away from our home-town and more importantly, Liams work commitments! This would basically split us up, Liam would be homeless in Salisbury so he could work, and i would be in the mdidle of nowhere with a high-risk pregnancy and a toddler!

We hace letters from GPs, consultants, my midwife AND the health visitor to say why this is totally unacceptable and they are just threatening us every time with splitting us up! Seems if you are unemployed you are in a much better position on their system than if you are actively seeking work and bettering yourself!

So we have contacted our MP, and i will be contacting the press again if it continues to be so threatening towards our family life.

We have tried looking for private rentals but there is nothing that accepts DSS in the local area, its quite hopeless! We have also tried saying that a bedsit in Salisbury would be better than a 3 bed house anywhere in the county, but to no avail. We are simply shunned because we are 'unfortunate' enough to be a working couple!

Our MP is a tory and he has taken our case, i heard back from him today so we have good help behind us now
Well this has just taken a turn for the weird.

Last week we went down and applied as homeless and the guy we spoke to (standing in for our usual officer) said that we should come back a week before we are made homeless and we would be found temporary housing. He seemed quite cool about it all and stuff.

Today we went in (because OH needed to sign something for them) and we were told that we had to stay in the house until mum got a court order to evict us! That would cost her at least a thousand pounds! I would feel very uncomfortable putting a well-meaning landlord who has helped me and been supportive of me in that position, let alone my own mother!! WHO LIVES ABROAD!!

I told Liam that i think they are trying to keep us in this house regardless of the fact we cannot pay rent because we cannot get housing benefit just because they think mum will not take us to court. I think we are being bulled.

I have told them that i will be leaving on the 31st and that i will move into our 40 year old camper van if they are not willing to house us (they are being really vague and quite rude)

I have a meeting with a lawyer next week to work out what my legal rights and obligatiions are surrounding this. From what i can gather, the council are not allowed to tell me not to stick to my verbal contract with my landlord, which states that when i need to move out i would be given a reasonable amount of notice and then be expected to vacate. No wonder folk are so keen not to rent properties to people who have anything to do with the counciil! absolutely atrocious to assume we should force people into a position where they are forcibly removing people from homes at great expense to themselves! Its aweful!

so we are moving into our campervan, i intend to go to the council offices every day to empty our chemical toliet in their toliet and full up our water holders as we have no running water.
Hi I had the same problem. Council made us wait until the landlord had issued us with a section 21 to evict. You then have to stay for three sets of 28 day stays from the court before they will then give you a council property. I felt so bad because I didn't want to leave but couldn't afford the rent and my landlord didn't want us to go but I had no choice but to force the matter. Its a horrible situation so I'm thinking of you all. xxx
we are in a total catch 22, we are being told we have to stay in a property we cannot afford but cannot apply for HB for because we dont have a tenancy agreement! We cant get a tenancy agreement because we have to move!

I think we are well within our legal rights to move at the end of our period here, move into the van and then they will have to find us housing quicker because we will be living without running water or heating!

If we stay on here, i think they will deny our application of homelessness and force us to stay in unsuitable accomodation indefinately which makes mums situation really bad because she will need to sell a property with a young family living in one room of it, which is really very difficult.

awful people they really are!
My sister was living on a 'travellers' site when she was pregnant,she had no running water,no electric and limited cooking & heating facilities but it still took 6 months for them to house her!!! Even with a liason officer fighting her case and her partner been medically unwell and his medication needed to be stored in a fridge (obv not possible with no electric).
Hope you get sorted soon xx
ah, a travellers site is classed as a perminent abode though, we will be totally nomadic with no fixed place to park up... we will be squatting someones driveway (he knows about it but they dont know that) so we are in a good position!)

I also discovered that as my mum lives in the house for some of the year and we rent one room from her, they are not able to force her to go to court anyway...

they lied to us basically and i am furious about i!
Letter to the housing options team manager;

Dear Steven,

I am writing in regard to my recent Application for homelessness which i made on the 03/08/2011, I was informed by the gentleman who dealt with my initial application (As Trish, my designated caseworker, was away at this time) that all they needed was proof from my mother that she had in fact issued a notice for me to vacate the premises and i was to contact the housing options team, in person, one week before my eviction date, when i would be found suitable temporary housing.

Myself and my husband came into the office, on Friday 12th August to sign some paper work and check up on the status of our claim. At this time i spoke once again to Trish, who informed me that at the date of my eviction, i would not be found housing and would be expected to remain in the property until my mother formally evicted me through a court process known as a Section 21 Court Eviction.

This is highly irregular, that my own mother should have to evict me from her own home in this way seems bizarre and i question the legality of Trish asking me to do this, I also informed Trish that mum had builders coming in at the beginning of September and that this was the first we had heard from anybody about this 'court order' needing to be in place for me to vacate her property.

I think it is prudent, at this point, to say that from the very beginning of my dealing with the Housing Options team, i explained to Trish that not only do i not have a formal tenancy agreement with my mother (making court proceedings next to impossible) i also live in one room of her home which she lives in part-time when she returns to Britain. I believe Trish made a note of this, which would have been dated on or just after the 11th June 2011.

Having researched tenant law extensively, speaking to CAB, a solicitor specialising in housing issues and contact with the charity Shelter. I have discovered that the information given to be by Trish is false. She has actively ignored my explanation of the situation or the fact that my mother lives in the property (albeit, part time) and i simply rent a room off her.

Trish has acted as if my mother is not a residential live-in landlord, and has used this to coerce me time and time again to fill in forms etc treating her as if she is a landlord that lives out of the home even though she knew this was not the case.

As a residential live-in landlord, the only information my mother had to provide me with, was a notice to evict the property and give me a reasonable amount of notice, this notice was given and i was allowed 3 months to leave the property. I think that in the circumstances no court or otherwise would find this period insufficient for our needs.

Another example of where we have been coerced and mis-lead by Trish, came when she suggested to us that the next step in our proceedings with the council would be to apply as homeless 28 days before we were evicted from our property, I then asked if this would mean we were moved into Platinum banding and found temporary housing, we were told it would take 33 days for her to make a decision on our case. At this point i remember saying (as does my husband) "that would take us to a week over the eviction date" Trish then explained it was simply procedure and i should make the application as it was all that i could do. I said i would come in on the 3rd August to make that application. I said that Very clearly.

On the 12th August we went into the office, as previously explained and i questioned how Trish was proceeding with the application, she then explained she had 33 working days to consider the application, which would take us to mid September, a good 2 weeks or more after our eviction date. 33 days are very different to 33 working days. I am led to believe that actually, i could have put in an application for homelessness at 28 working days previous to my eviction date also, yet for some reason, even when i mentioned the date i would be coming in to make an application, i was not informed of this subtle but very relevant difference in time frames. This has, deliberately mis-lead us into a situation where we have wasted time when all of this nonsense could have been dealt with a few weeks ago, Not a mere two weeks before our date of eviction, placing additional stress on myself, my husband and subsequently our unborn child (I hasten to add, i suffered from a trying and difficult pregnancy with my last child and this pregnancy have been subjected to extra medical appointments, administration of invasive medicines twice daily and therefore need no added stresses at this difficult time in our lives)

I feel like, rather than Trish helping us find a way into any sort of housing, she has actively sought to prevent us from finding any housing what so ever. She has offered us no support finding private accommodation, simply informed us that this is what we MUST do.

Myself, my son, my husband and my unborn child are now facing forced homelessness, it is clear that if we remain in our landlords residential property beyond the date of our eviction notice, we will in fact be breaking the law.

I am NOT prepared to break the law based upon shifty advice from members of your team and given the details of our last conversation and also this discovery of coercion, mis-leading information to both myself and my family and an obvious disinterest in assisting us in housing private or otherwise, i am strongly considering if i have a law suit against the council at this time. I will be speaking to a solicitor further about these matters next week.

I feel it prudent to mention, that after our previous phone call, during which you made it quite clear you did not condone the terminology given to me by Trish regarding my personal circumstances and how she had approached the matter of my husbands working needs, It would have been professional and just to remove our case from Trish's caseload. On this matter i feel you have behaved very unprofessionally and not entirely within the realms of business law. From that situation i have learnt to place everything in writing and am doing so now and would like to make it abundantly clear that this is a formal complaint against a member of your team and i expect it to be treated as such.

Until such time as the legality of this information given to me by Trish has been verified, i would rather deal with another member of your team if at all possible, she has informed me quite clearly that she is in no rush to consider our application for homelessness and imagines it will take the full 33 working days from the date of our claim for her to come to a decision about wether or not we are actually homeless. This is unacceptable, it is clear this woman has some issue with myself and my family and i do not wish to have anything more to do with her. I trust there is another member of the team who can deal with my claim for the time being.

I have to inform you now, in writing, that on the 31st of August 2011 myself and my young family will be homeless, we will be living out of the back of a 40 year old camper van with no running hot or cold water, heating or a toilet for the period of time it takes the council to find us suitable affordable housing in the Salisbury area. I am quite prepared to go to both the national and the local papers with this information, i will be contacting my MP directly with this update in circumstances and i am seeking legal advice on how i can proceed with a case against the Housing Options team as i feel very strongly that no people should have to go through the stress, pain and discrimination that myself and my family have suffered in the last few months.

Thank you for your time, i look forward to hearing from you, in writing, at the first possible convenience.
Right well we are now living in a lovely 2 bed temporary house about as close to the center of salisbury as you could possibly imagine! i feel so blessed!!

Anyway, we are top of the list on a bidding scheme aimed at getting people into a home they feel comfortable with

I am trying to find a place that i will LIKE rather that being forced into something i dont like

So i am happy to accept a 3 bedroom house on one of the local estates, because i reckon in a year or so's time we can probably move from there because we can swap with someone on the outskirts of town who wants to be closer.

I would really, really like to not be in the estate though... i have just cancelled my bid for a two bed for that reason

they cant force you to live somewhere can they? I mean unless they actually packed our bags and FORCED us out of our home i dont see how they could.

It would be different if i were not comfortable here but i am really, really comfortable here

also do you think if i just bid based on either 1. 3 bedrooms or 2. location that is bad?

basically i am happy to take a 2 bed house if it is in the right place (with driveway) and i am happy to take a 3 bed house (with driveway) if it is not in the right place because i know i can move... i would probably consider NOT having a driveway if we werent on an estate basically

a really nice 3 bed came up last week and we were 14th on the list, i might see how much we move down that list before making any rash decisions

it might be my home for the next 15 years! i dont want to rush anything!
I think it works the same all over but we are only allowed to refuse 3 when they are offered to you. But you can pick and chose where you want to bid for. Bid carefully cos you will be in the house for the rest of your life hopefully. xx
we are planning to buy in a few years... but yes we will be there for a good long while!!

I am happy to take something not perfect because i think we will be able to swap if its a nice house.
we are No.1 on a house :D :D

it is on the local estate but in a nice area of it, its a three bedroomed house, HUGE garden, looks like a very family orientated street with a green in the middle of it for the kids to play on :)

Not getting my hopes up too much (i am but trying not too!) but if we are still no1 on Monday its OURS :) :) House has been listed since Wednesday night... so hopefully!!!

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