update from todays appt

Leanne and Andy

Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2010
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Just a quick update - It all went well. Wee perfect, BP nice and low, Oliver is in take off position with head down haha! And hes mesuring perfect 28 and a half CM, active and happy with a good strong HB. Just waiting fior bloods to come back clear... :wave:
great news i dont get my check and growth scan till next week:) glad all is well for you x
:yay: clever boy with his head down already!!!

well done!
Woot woot!! What a good little boy x

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congrats btw everything sounds to be going good xx really 28 cm really i went to the midwife yesterday i am 34 weeks pregnant and baby was measuring at 32 cm what does this mean?:eh:
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Glad all went well hunny. I got my check on Friday.. I'm expecting to measure a little over as I was measuring 25 cms at 24 weeks. Your little boy sounds like he's doing well in there!
i am 34 weeks pregnant and baby was measuring at 32 cm what does this mean?:eh:

Congrats hun! :yay: Glad everything is going well!

Adele - When your MW measures your tum, every cm you are is meant to represent each week. For example if you're 35 weeks you should be measuring about 35cm, give or take a cm or two. It's called your fundal height measurement.

Not overally accurate, especially if you're in the care of many MW's as each may measure slightly different. It's only a concern if you're constantly way over or under. For example, I was always measuring 4cm ahead so I was sent for a growth scan to make sure baby wasn't growing TOO big! lol!
Glad it went well - Oliver is due on my birthday! :)

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