Painful BHs * mini update *


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2007
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since last night ive been having BHs but theyve been kinda painful my legs and hands went all numb and my back is killing me(i thought i was in labour was very funny lool) my cat has followed me around since last nyt in an out the loo kept nearly weeing my pants and needing a poop lool... im going hospital for my growth scan n anuva consultant appt. so i didnt worry 2 much about it... im just gettuing myself dressed and ill be off... i will be back inbetween scan an consultant appt as they are 3 hours apart and hosp is onli 10 mins away :)
whatever it was last night it got me all excited i no im guna have a baby by next month wow :rotfl:

.........MINI UPDATE
well i just got back from my scan... tameron weighs 5lb13... according to the scan... that seems a bit 2 much 2 me. everything was fine with the scan his lips and face wer fine cute lil hands... big head n fat lil belly... hes mesuring a bit ahead of my dates by a week but i put it down to eating to much crisps lool. ( he is deffinatley a boy lool sonographer sed they wer not hard 2 miss lool)
after my scan i went up 2 a&e and told them about my bhs n back ache... the checking in nurse asked if i had bleeding obviously i sed no i hadnt i told her i had a consultant appt later at 2.30pm... so after my appt. im being kept in 4 30 mins monitering to see if things are ok and im guna have to have one of them internals again :wall: she told me to go home untill my appt. but if the pain gets worse then cum straight back in... at the moment its on an off hasnt got better or worse since last nyt so i will jst have to wait an see wats happening later.
hi hun, sorry u have been in pain. just wanted to say that i have had them really bad last night... in the night they hurt that much they woke me up. scared me to death. i knew it was ok tho coz they kept dyin off and i was gettin sum sleep in between..luckily i havent had anymore this mornin but only got up half an hour ago. im sure u will be ok. will be thinkin of u xx
5lb 12 ??? :o My son was only 5lb 5oz when he was born at 38 weeks lol!!
Hope all goes well this afternoon ..

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