Unsupportive friends... I'm thankful for PF!

Definitely not alone with this. I wrote a post a while back http://www.pregnancyforum.co.uk/pregnancy-chat/252105-dont-know-what-id-do-without-pf.html as I felt the same.
I'm the first in my friends to be preggo too and there's been such a drastic change in mine/OH's friendship group. We've gone from seeing people most weekends to not seeing anyone since I announced I was pregnant in April! Except for the odd person who I see occasionally my OH has seen none of his guy friends- and apparently they all just moan about him as he doesn't go out drinking any more :roll: they all just say 'I don't see why he can't come out HE'S not pregnant.'

I'm so glad for PF it has taught me so much, I haven't really spoken to anyone about my pregnancy and a few people keep telling me to upload photos of my bump to Facebook as no-one believes I'm pregnant, but I know some people will just make a joke out of how big I am. It's actually so sad that it's such a happy time and I can't even talk to anyone about it.

Also annoys me that some people are just interested in seeing me once the babies have arrived too, but they're not interested in seeing ME. :roll:
Pf hugs for everyone! It's sad that so many of us have friends like this!

I've never put a bump pic on Facebook or anything either, I don't want to spark anymore questions about 'the bump' or be told how small it is by any more 'friends' than necessary! (Something I still think is v rude as I've been worried about my baby potentially being too small but keep getting this commented on, even by those who know I've had extra growth scans!)

I've just this minute had yet another text asking how the bump is and when I'm due... :wall2: from someone who has been told dd numerous times!! Arregh!!!
im very lucky as myself and my other half have sil's who all have children (3 with 3 children each)! and living on an army camp, practically all my friends have or are having children so I have a fantastic support network!

My biggest surprise, like a few others have mentioned, was my oldest and closest friend. We have been friends for the past 13 years and have been so close from the day we met. She doesnt yet have children of her own and is getting married in June next year. This is my third pregnancy and through all of them she nevers calls or messages me to ask how I am or how the pregnancy is going. Plenty to do with the planning of her wedding or to moan about her soon to be inlaws or other bridesmaid but never to ask how I am. She never even asks about my two boys come to think of it even though she is godmother to them both!
The other thing that gets to me is the way she moans about her other bridesmaid who has 3 young boys. Since getting engaged last year she has organised a string of different things (meals, huge party and overnight stay in a castle, shopping trips, bachellorette weeks, you name it) and I have managed to go to everything, despite it sometimes being awkward to get to, pay for, arrange childcare etc. Her other bridesmaid has sometimes had to cancel and my friend constantly moans about how she thinks she is using children as an excuse, how it cant be that hard to find a baby sitter etc etc. Its as though the world revolves around her and her wedding and nothing else matters.

One night we were out for her birthday and she was giving cake out to her bf's sil for her son, putting a piece to the side for her niece and then asked the table if anybody else wanted to take some for family before turning to me and saying "omg, I completely forgot about your two"! :shock: Charming lol , anyway sorry for hijacking your thread - rant over - and breathe lol xxx

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