Unreliability on Freecycle


Well-Known Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Hi Girls, how are you all? Hope the bumps are all coming along nicely?
I'm feeling very angry today, I was having a good day until the end. I'd arranged to pick up a V shaped pillow (OK, not a big item, but I really could do with it now and I'll have to wait til I get paid next week as I'm skint) from someone who'd advertised on Freecycle. I left work at 4pm on the dot determined not to get stuck in traffic and get home quickly. Anyway, after navigating somewhere I didn't know at all and getting abuse shouted at me by some 5 year old scrote in the street I went to turn my car in, I arrived at person's house. Just as I pulled up, someone from the same address drove off in a car and when I knocked on the door, no-one answered. I phoned the landline but no answer so I left a message. I decided I wasn't gonna hang around and drove back home extremely angry as I wanted to chill in the garden in the sun (don't get to do that often) and I only had a little bit of petrol left in car which was wasted going there and back. Coupled with the fact that I was hot and sweaty.
Got home and rang the person again but didn't leave a message. The husband rang straight back and had the cheek to tell me that someone was in when I'd called (I hasten to add that I would be popping in after 4pm today). He said he'd keep the pillow aside for me and asked when I could pick it up which I thought was a bit rich considering that I'd wasted my time and petrol driving there. I just told him that I couldn't pick it up tomorrow or at the weekend and left it by saying that I'd ring in the week.
I just feel so messed about and to be honest, I don't see why I should drive back to pick the pillow up. I think I'll just simply leave it and buy a new one.
Grrrrr, so frustrated and it's put a dampener on my evening. I even shouted at my husband on phone coz I was so annoyed. :wall: :evil: :cry:
I do see your point and why your angry........ but you cant moan too much when someones giving you something for free i dont think :think:

Plus you'd have probably been able to buy one new what with petrol costing what it does now, then again they were obviously :fib: when theyd said someone was in f u saw em leave and no-one picked the phone up !
Tis true, I shouldn't moan for getting something for free, but I'm just so frustrated! LOL. I should have just bought a new one instead which is what I'll do anyway now.
Bless ya, why not, or theres always ebay, i got a sewing maching off there for 99p, MIL went to pick it up for me... and waited for the 1p change lol

I know what ya mean, bet you were really looking forward to snuggling up with it tonight, and now if your anything like me, your all hot and bothered and now know that decent nights sleep you were looking forward to is off the cards cus some blokes gone walk abouts when he said he'd hand it over ! :hug:
Haha, yes I shall check out Ebay. You did well to get a sewing machine on there for 99p!!
As for the pillow and sleep, I guess I'll have to prop myself up on my husband haha! Never mind....
I think Magic's right as it is freecycle you cant really complain but i can see it is annoying when the people said they would be in and they clearly werent!!

MagicMarkers said:
i got a sewing maching off there for 99p, MIL went to pick it up for me... and waited for the 1p change lol

:rotfl: Id of felt guilty waiting for a penny change!!
I remember buying a PSP game from Ebay last year off someone who lived just round the corner from me so i didnt have to pay the £4 postage i just picked the game up for £1.30 i felt really cheeky that thats all they had got for it so i sent my OH in to get it for me lol, i even wanted to give them more money as i felt really bad but as my OH rightly said other people wouldnt pay extra for something they won cheap. x
It is really annoying when people let you down like that, if they've said they'd be in they should be! But like the others said it was free...

This is the v pillow I've got. Absolute bargain and just as good as a specific maternity one.
lol i msged em on ebay asking if i could buy it now when it had about 3 days left, theysaid you'll probs get it cheaper in the auction, i said id feel guilty only giving you 99p for it, he replied saying so long as someones using it, i thought AWWW, and then MIL goes and gets the change :wall: :wall: lol

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