Hi Girls, how are you all? Hope the bumps are all coming along nicely?
I'm feeling very angry today, I was having a good day until the end. I'd arranged to pick up a V shaped pillow (OK, not a big item, but I really could do with it now and I'll have to wait til I get paid next week as I'm skint) from someone who'd advertised on Freecycle. I left work at 4pm on the dot determined not to get stuck in traffic and get home quickly. Anyway, after navigating somewhere I didn't know at all and getting abuse shouted at me by some 5 year old scrote in the street I went to turn my car in, I arrived at person's house. Just as I pulled up, someone from the same address drove off in a car and when I knocked on the door, no-one answered. I phoned the landline but no answer so I left a message. I decided I wasn't gonna hang around and drove back home extremely angry as I wanted to chill in the garden in the sun (don't get to do that often) and I only had a little bit of petrol left in car which was wasted going there and back. Coupled with the fact that I was hot and sweaty.
Got home and rang the person again but didn't leave a message. The husband rang straight back and had the cheek to tell me that someone was in when I'd called (I hasten to add that I would be popping in after 4pm today). He said he'd keep the pillow aside for me and asked when I could pick it up which I thought was a bit rich considering that I'd wasted my time and petrol driving there. I just told him that I couldn't pick it up tomorrow or at the weekend and left it by saying that I'd ring in the week.
I just feel so messed about and to be honest, I don't see why I should drive back to pick the pillow up. I think I'll just simply leave it and buy a new one.
Grrrrr, so frustrated and it's put a dampener on my evening. I even shouted at my husband on phone coz I was so annoyed.

I'm feeling very angry today, I was having a good day until the end. I'd arranged to pick up a V shaped pillow (OK, not a big item, but I really could do with it now and I'll have to wait til I get paid next week as I'm skint) from someone who'd advertised on Freecycle. I left work at 4pm on the dot determined not to get stuck in traffic and get home quickly. Anyway, after navigating somewhere I didn't know at all and getting abuse shouted at me by some 5 year old scrote in the street I went to turn my car in, I arrived at person's house. Just as I pulled up, someone from the same address drove off in a car and when I knocked on the door, no-one answered. I phoned the landline but no answer so I left a message. I decided I wasn't gonna hang around and drove back home extremely angry as I wanted to chill in the garden in the sun (don't get to do that often) and I only had a little bit of petrol left in car which was wasted going there and back. Coupled with the fact that I was hot and sweaty.
Got home and rang the person again but didn't leave a message. The husband rang straight back and had the cheek to tell me that someone was in when I'd called (I hasten to add that I would be popping in after 4pm today). He said he'd keep the pillow aside for me and asked when I could pick it up which I thought was a bit rich considering that I'd wasted my time and petrol driving there. I just told him that I couldn't pick it up tomorrow or at the weekend and left it by saying that I'd ring in the week.
I just feel so messed about and to be honest, I don't see why I should drive back to pick the pillow up. I think I'll just simply leave it and buy a new one.
Grrrrr, so frustrated and it's put a dampener on my evening. I even shouted at my husband on phone coz I was so annoyed.