unhealthy cravings

Mama 2 Be said:
Another Boy! :wink: :wink: :lol:

It's weird you say that... I've had this strange feeling that I'm having a boy... DH (I think that means the baby's dad I saw it on here but dunno what it stands for!!!) thinks it's a girl but pff what does he know :rotfl:
oh just read the posts you've all written after a few interenet free days and so glad I'm not the only one with Mcds cravings, my oh keeps telling me off for having sneaky big macs on the way home from work but now I'll just show him this thread and hopefully that'll shut him up lol! :twisted: :dance:
I craved all sorts of unhealthy things early on....

But the real craving started end of Tri 2/Beg Tri 3 when I started to crave ICE....in any shape or form. I find myself getting up most nights in the early hours of the morning to grab a few cubes from the freezer, its worse than any addiction I have ever experienced (and I was a smoker before I fell pregnant).
Becc said:
I can't stand even the thought of anything sweet or sugary at the moment.... ugh... I'm craving more savory things... like cheese and onion stuff even though I usually don't like onion and last night all I wanted for my tea was a huge bowl of cocktail sausages, feta cheese and pickles... :lol: xx

Me too. I'm obsessed with red meat, chips and bread. Can't stand sweets and chocolate at all.

Does that mean 2 boys for me?!?!

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