Underactive Thyroid


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2008
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Anyone have an underactive thyroid? What extra care are you receiving?

I was diagnosed about 9 years ago with mine. It seems to have gone haywire during this pregnancy though.

I was on 150mcg before I got pregnant and I'm currently up to 300mcg. I've got to go back to endocrine clinic next week where they'll probably do yet another blood test :roll:
Oooh jeez! I have been very very lucky with mine!
With my other i know I had to increase my dose but this time they have come back fine!
Im on 150 mcg and Im praying :pray: that I dont have to take anymore! Im a bugger with them lol! I forget to take them! Then I remember about tea time then Im up half the night!?
I dont think they did that to me before being pregnant though?!
I just have to have tests every 8 weeks! Nothin extra thankfully!
Have they put on your notes though "Identified risk, underactive thyroid" ?? I will have to ask my midwife why it says that? Why am I a risk?
I've got 'paediatric alert' stickers on my notes. It was quite alarming, cos the midwife at the hosptial just stuck them on and didn't explain why! I did mention it to the endocrine doc and he said not to worry about it :roll:
Oooh it is weird isnt it? Im going to ask the midwife why they wrote these things and I havent seen and endo doc? Do you think that is just because my levels have been normal? I didnt have to see one through any other pregnancy either though? :think:
It might be different parts of the country?
lea m said:
Oooh it is weird isnt it? Im going to ask the midwife why they wrote these things and I havent seen and endo doc? Do you think that is just because my levels have been normal? I didnt have to see one through any other pregnancy either though? :think:
It might be different parts of the country?
Yeah it might be because your levels have been stable. I'm on my 3rd dose increase now. But if they're checking your bloods every 8 weeks they're obviously keeping an eye on things.
Yeh I never got referred to anyone else other than my doc with my other pregnancies too? :think: I was ok though, makes me wonder if they did their job right though?
Wow 300mcg! Im on 175 and was told that was high!

I got extra consultant apt's up until recently and they constantly checked my blood.

I take my tablets at night, am I not supposed to? I always used to forget but I have been ok lately!
I cant take mine at night or I wound never sleep! :shock:
If I take mine after say 7pm I toss and turn when i go to bed!
I wonder why I dont get any extra apps then if you did too?!
Oh Im not even bothered lol less messing around over something that just annoys me haha :rotfl:

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