Twin mummies to be..


Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2014
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Is anyone feeling really anxious about coping with twins? These will be my first, and it was an unplanned pregnancy. I felt happy and calm about the pregnancy until finding out that it was twins. I feel so guilty saying this, but the idea of having two babies at once is really stressing me out and I am finding it hard to feel happy and upbeat at the moment.

I feel so worried about being home alone with two screaming babies and being totally out of my depth. I also worry about bonding equally with them and of course, the added financial strain of having to buy two lots of everything.

I'm rather hoping that someone will come along and say it's normal to feel this daunted.
I am a mum to 3 year old identical twins, and believe me I felt completely overwhelmed through my whole pregnancy - it is completely normal and you mustn't feel guilty for at times wishing there was only 1. I honestly can say that having twins is the best thing that ever happened to me, yes there are some very hard times, but the bond between them is absolutely amazing.

There are loads of support networks for families of multiples (I didn't have any family help nearby), my husband was amazing and as a result is so close with the girls now. I have only just joined up to this forum as I am now crazily thinking about TTC for another so if you have any queries I am very happy to help answer them.
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I think I'm a little different and I'm more excited as my sister has identical twin boys who are 9 now and even though I know it's not easy and there will be times when it's tough it's also amazing, my sister always said for her routine was the key and there was never any problems with bonding with both, she since had a little girl who's nearly 5 and she said it was easier having the twin boys than the one girl at times when she's being a madam lol!! X
You'll be fine. I panicked like mad through my pregnancy but I LOVE having twins and feel sorry for anyone who doesn't have them ������ No problem with bonding at all although the first couple of months can be very tiring. Just enjoy it and trust me when I say I've never met a twin mum who regrets having twins!! Xx
I have always wanted twins so was thrilled when the nurse told me there were 2 babies on my early scan! We had 2 embryos transferred so I hoped they had both taken. I know it will be double the work, money etc but we had such trouble conceiving I am happy we hopefully won't have to go through it all again! I do like my sleep so that is the main concern! But I think it will be lovely for them to have each other and play together, my sister is 4 years younger than me so wasn't much fun to play with! It must be daunting if you only expected one though! Do they share a placenta? Identical are fascinating and such fun! I'm sure you will be fine when you get used to the idea. :hugs:
THanks so much for all the lovely responses. I just had my 9 week scan and things look good so far. I'm still worried about having two at once, but I also realise that there's no point in worrying, and I don't really have the energy to! xx

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