Smells and Sickness!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2010
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I have suddenly started to feel extremely nauseous and seem to have developed aversions to certain smells. I love wild cherry shower gel from the body shop, but seem to have totally gone off it - the smell makes me gag! Also ive noticed that the smell of car fumes also make me want to be sick.
I was up at 6 o'clock this morning throwing up, and am now feeling very sick again at 11am. I'm forcing some toast down my throat as I suspect its low blood sugar making me feel worse, even tough I really don't feel like eating.
I also have a terrible headache! I basically feel like I'm hungover without the alcohol lol. Sorry for the whinging, its nice to know others are going through the same thing!
urgh i know exactly how you feeel Lulu! ive just literally gotten over a stomach bug which was making me throw up every hour on the hour! Now im waking up feel so so sick and its lasting throughout the day. Im soo tired and i just want to laze around in bed with a sickbowl next to me haha, not possible tho (N)

i have found that sipping water (not glugging) when feeling really bad helps sometimes and laying still durring the bad spells aswell xxx
Urgh - me too. Everything smells stronger. I can't stand to be in my kitchen at the moment, even though it's clean I can't stand it. The smell of the oven makes me ill, the fridge, the smell of meat or meat cooking - so much so that I've turned temporarily veggie. Even nice smells are making me nauseous, I had to throw out my lovely festive yankie candle as I can't stand the smell even when it's not lit! And I've woken up with a headache every morning for the past week :mad:
Totally!! A hangover is the best description! I feel sick, with a headache and weak all over, it's like i was on a massive bender last night. Every morning i have this! It's so not fair when i havent had any booze at all!

Smells: I can smell that festering smell, like a full laundry basket. I keep wandering round the house sniffing trying to find what needs washing so i can get rid of the smell, but it seems to be everywhere. My husband says its in my head....... Do you think i am imagining it or do you think i have a hightened sense of smell and can smell something he cant?
Haha its so nice to read your comments as knowing I'm not the only one feeling like this makes it a little easier to handle. For the first time ever I can smell my husbands breath, bless him, its very fishy!! Normally I don't smell it! I had an avocado and pear hand wash in my bathroom that ikve binned because the smell make me sick - yeaurghh. My husbands farts smell like a rotting corpse. And even 'thinking' of smells makes me gag, like if I imagined a sausage caserole simmering away... Most strange. I don't know how I'm ever going to have an alcoholic drink again as that is the worst smell out of the lot...
I walked out a shop and there was a lady smoking outside and I walked through it. Omg I totally blamed!! Had a headache for days, anyone got tips for natural remedy?
So glad everyone agrees with the hangover description, that is just how I have been feeling for nearly 2 weeks straight!
I can smell the air freshner downstairs and want to gag, the other day in Next, I could smell chewing gum in someones mouth - RANK!
It's minging :-(
...and to top it all off, the RIDICULOUS tiredness! I slept for 12 hours last night (apart from the 10min rush to the bathroom at 6am) then had a 2 hour nap at 4pm, and fell asleep watching TV at 9pm...and now I'm ready for bed!
A hangover is the perfect description for this feeling! I have to hold my breath every time I open the pantry! There's nothing old in there, it just smells disgusting! I feel sick at the thought of certain restaurants/cafes too. I had these Arancini balls and salad at a cafe when I was about 7 weeks (the week the sickness kicked in) and I gag every time we drive past it! :sick:
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i cant stand the smell of my washing powder, or my mums sondont no if chaniging it will make a difference, it makes me heeve if i go into my kitchen or open the fridge, its horrible!
I think there is some dead animal in my dishwasher and another one in my fridge

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