Tummy time!


Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2011
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Hey ladies!

Hope all your LOs are doing well!

I have a question about tummy time... How long do your LOs have tummy time for a day?

Caleb isn't a huge fan of tummy time, he gets really frustrated. I put him on his playmat on his tummy sometimes but he hates it. The only way he'll have it is on the carpet so he has better grip.

On Sunday night I decided he was going to have 10 minutes twice a day, and stretch it to 15 if I could. He seems happy at the moment with that, and he even rolled over for the first time last night, I was so proud of him! :dance:

Now he's getting annoyed with himself because he's trying so hard to crawl but he's rolling over instead! I'm giving him praise for rolling so that does cheer him up a bit!

I know some babies have more tummy time than that so I'd love to know what your LOs have xxx
I was told at our baby sensory class, a minute per month of age, twice a day is enough. You can roll a towel up to put under their upper body to help and get right down and play with them or put them on your bed (carefully of course!) and get level with them. Use things like mirrors as well. They even suggested using your birthing ball but not quite sure how that works! Kynon doesn't mind his tummy, think he quite likes it so I do give him longer than 3 minutes!
My LO hates tummy time and last about 3 mins max! Typical after I bought her a tummy time mat too lol x

Sent from my sparkly new 4s!!!
I was told at our baby sensory class, a minute per month of age, twice a day is enough. You can roll a towel up to put under their upper body to help and get right down and play with them or put them on your bed (carefully of course!) and get level with them. Use things like mirrors as well. They even suggested using your birthing ball but not quite sure how that works! Kynon doesn't mind his tummy, think he quite likes it so I do give him longer than 3 minutes!

I never knew that was all that that was recommended! I thought Caleb was weird for getting bored after 10 minutes! I get down on the floor with him and so does OH and he's been really smiley the whole time, he's starting to love it more.

Not sure how the birthing ball would work!

Going to give Caleb another go later, he loves moving his legs and doing mini push ups, so cute!

Smith that's always the way isn't it! You buy them something you think you'll get loads of use out of and they hate it! xx
Kynon is no where near doing push ups yet, hes still not holding his head 100% properly but def getting stronger, I have to keep reminding myself that he's more like 2 months and not 3! doing 10 mins twice a day is really good long as he's happy it's good for him, I think the guide lines are to encourage people to at least do that amount a day. We haven't really had tummy time this week as he's been so unwell he's not wanted to do anything except his bath!
Yeah Kynon was really early wasn't he! Saw your pics of him on fb, he's so gorgeous!

I do think all babies are really different as well, my nephew is almost 5 weeks ahead of Caleb in age and can't hold his head properly. Caleb's been ridiculously strong since birth though, he could half support his head when he was born.

Poor Kynon not being well, Caleb had a bad cold last week but it's all gone now thankfully! xx
E varies with her tummy time, depending on what mood she is in. She loves it until she gets frustrated with not being able to roll over. She will get almost on her side and then rolls back over and starts crying. Before she gets grumpy, she does enjoy laying there with her head held high and looking around everywhere.
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Yeah Kynon was really early wasn't he! Saw your pics of him on fb, he's so gorgeous!

I do think all babies are really different as well, my nephew is almost 5 weeks ahead of Caleb in age and can't hold his head properly. Caleb's been ridiculously strong since birth though, he could half support his head when he was born.

Poor Kynon not being well, Caleb had a bad cold last week but it's all gone now thankfully! xx

Aww thanks, Caleb is looking really cute too, is he still a big boy? Looked at the ball link, thanks, might find the birthing ball out again!
Poppy has always hated tummy time and has only just started accepting it! She has quite a flat head because we just couldn't keep her on her tummy for longer than a few seconds when she was tiny without her getting really upset. Now she'll stay on her tummy for about 10mins at a time before getting fed up. And she spends lots of time in her bumbo/door bouncer/highchair so her head is starting to correct itself. We bought her a tummy time mat which was a huge help! :)
Oops - ive never really tried tummy time. I rest him on my tummy/front everyday a few times so he's looking up at me and trying to scramble up, but whenever i put him on his tummy on the floor or on cushion he looks in distress...i just dont think he's ready :(
Girls don't worry too much. Emily hated tummy time till she was 4 months. She loves being on her tummy now and rolling around like a mad thing :)
I've got a tummy time caterpillar from mother care which Leo loves. I put him on his tummy for about mins a day but a lot of times we put him on his side which he prefers sleeping xxx
Yeah Kynon was really early wasn't he! Saw your pics of him on fb, he's so gorgeous!

I do think all babies are really different as well, my nephew is almost 5 weeks ahead of Caleb in age and can't hold his head properly. Caleb's been ridiculously strong since birth though, he could half support his head when he was born.

Poor Kynon not being well, Caleb had a bad cold last week but it's all gone now thankfully! xx

Aww thanks, Caleb is looking really cute too, is he still a big boy? Looked at the ball link, thanks, might find the birthing ball out again!

Yeah he's still pretty big, last weigh in 2 weeks ago he was 14 and a half lbs. Not as big as he was though, he's only just above the 75th centile now, not the 91st, so trying to get more milk in him! He's having none of it. I'm not too worried though, he's so happy and still a chubbster! Xx
Anton never liked tummy time but its better now. He likes standing up/trying to sit up.
Have I missed pics of Kynon?

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