tummy pain


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2006
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just wondering if anyone gets really sharp pains in the lower part of your tummy (quite low down) i get this then leaking downstairs, was told that the leaking i have is normal :think: but worried about the pain, this is my 3rd baby, so im thinking it might be just growing pains, painful growing pains :think: if this is the reason why haven't i got me pregnant tum yet? oooooo to many questions, sorry :doh:
I'm always leaking :oops: and somethimes i get a real sharp twinge just in the pubic line that makes me stop what i am doing and grab hold of it. This only happens if i sneeze, or get up quick or twist myself. This is also my 3rd baby and i remember having it with my girls. I put it down to muscle pulling and growing pains xx
i get pains along my pubic line but they don't last so i've not worried ( although i have a little LOL i worry about everything)
claire81 said:
i get a real sharp twinge just in the pubic line that makes me stop what i am doing and grab hold of it.

I've had that too.
yeah i get it worse when sneezing as well, they say 3rd pregnancies are more painful, has anyone heard of this, i hope the birth isn't as painful, i had a very bad 24 hour labour with my 2nd, think im going to ask them to knock me out when it comes to it......
My first labour was awful, my second wasnt too bad but was doen natural, i too wanna be knocked out with this one, im terrified!! :rotfl:
My first labour was awful, my second wasnt too bad but was doen natural, i too wanna be knocked out with this one, im terrified!! :rotfl:
This is my 3rd too and i must say this pregnancy has been much easier than my 2nd. My 2nd labour was the worst, so hoping that means the labour will be better this time. :pray:
claire81 said:
I'm always leaking :oops: and somethimes i get a real sharp twinge just in the pubic line that makes me stop what i am doing and grab hold of it. This only happens if i sneeze, or get up quick or twist myself.

I get that too! :D
I've got growing pains today that catch me when I get up out my chair :shock: means i'm gonna be bigger this week and means she's growing :D

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