Tummy aches


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2011
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Well as title I keep getting what I can only explain as upset tummy aches tmi but when u really need the poo when u have sickness and diarrhoea kind of tummy ache but I don't need a poo. Could it be growing pains??? Just feels very uncomfortable and wanted to see if anyone else has had it. But I'm also gettin cystitis xxx
depends where the pain is hunny. I have IBS undiaginosed, but I know I have it. I have really bad cramps before I have an episode of the shits. I end up bend over in that much pain I sometimes cry from it I'm a wuss lol.

But its always in the lower department so I was scared it was a misscarriage the first time around 9 weeks.

If its a dull ache then maybe it could be growing pains but with my first I had them quite bad too.
Well as title I keep getting what I can only explain as upset tummy aches tmi but when u really need the poo when u have sickness and diarrhoea kind of tummy ache but I don't need a poo. Could it be growing pains??? Just feels very uncomfortable and wanted to see if anyone else has had it. But I'm also gettin cystitis xxx

How far along are you?
I had this feeling the other night and realised I was probably constipated could this be why you are getting pain? xx
I am 17 weeks tomorrow. Just went to the toilet and was sat there when all of a sudden was over come with dizziness and feeling sick and had a ringing in my ears. Broke out in a cold sweat and had ringing in my ears but now it's calmed down zxx
ive had bouts of stomach growling diaorrhea on occasion that were a bit like that, i saw spots on one occasion and felt sicky and uncomfy in my tummy. was just one of those horrid things tho.

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