Tummy Ache :(


Well-Known Member
Sep 3, 2011
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Woke up feeling really grotty today. Got quite a bad stomach ache - kind of like indegestion in my actual stomach (higher up) and some pain further down where baby is. It's kind of like a heavy, bloated feeling. Could be due to constipation (sorry TMI) but just feel generally gross and tummy aches etc always worry me more now :( anyone else had anything like this? xx
I had this last weekend hun. Think it was connected with constipation. Eat lots of fruit and fibre and get it all out :D. Hope you feel better soon xxx we are nearly half way!! can you beleive it?!? xx
Oh that's really weird me too and I'm just a day behind you! very very very tired too, my lil boy has chicken pox and has been up a few times in the night, feel like I could sleep all day (not possible!) xx
Thanks girlies, i actually feel a little better now...still a bit sluggish but hopefully some fibre will sort that out lol.

Have either of you felt any movements yet? I still haven't but i read its usually between 18-20 weeks for first time mummys. Getting impatient!

Beckyjane, half way through already seems insane! Something tells me the next half is going to be harder work though lol xxxx
Bee - I was like this yesterday - got home and felt sick my tummy was so tight, didn't eat tea and went to bed early.

Felt like i needed the loo but couldn't go...got up this morning and had a nr 2 first thing, and havebeen again..do feel a bit better now, but tunny feels sore

Pregnancy is so glamourous!
Thanks girlies, i actually feel a little better now...still a bit sluggish but hopefully some fibre will sort that out lol.

Have either of you felt any movements yet? I still haven't but i read its usually between 18-20 weeks for first time mummys. Getting impatient!

Beckyjane, half way through already seems insane! Something tells me the next half is going to be harder work though lol xxxx

Bee I have possibly felt a bit of movement, but no kicking as such, with my son it was about 18 weeks, but that was early as some of my friends said they where about 20-22 weeks, you'll know when it starts happening, let me know :)
Sounds to me like you all need a good fart lol. The bloating is so uncomfortable, plenty of fluids to help you poo xxxxxxxxx

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