please help, scared. (tmi alert)


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2006
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please help me, i wouldnt normlly discus things with anyone but im too scared to be shy.

i will keep it as simple as i can. ive had a tummy ache all day, just felt a bit tender nothing to worry about. OH and i had intercourse this afternoon at about 2pm. when i went to the loo after i wiped and it was tinged brown on the tissue. since then have had awful tummy pains, like contractions but not as painful i imagine (i have nothing to compare them to) enough to upset me and force me to sit down though. on a scale of 1-10 nwhen its at its worst its an 8 and my tummy hardens. feels like i need a poo desperately but i dont and i feel like being sick.

just been to loo again and theres more of the brown stuff. im scared. please, please help me. im sorry for the detail but im rally panicking, i really dont want to go to hospital in case they keep me in.
Hi Grace!
You really need to contact your hospital and tell them exactly what you've said here.

I know you don't want to go into hospital, but if it's for the sake of the baby then it's a small price to pay!

I'm sure you and LO will be fine, but all this worry is doing neither of you any good, so get on the phone!

Thinking of you

:hug: :hug: :hug:
i would just give hospital a quick ring hun
when you say 'in case they keep me in' do u mean to stay overnight? you're lucky your hospital even cares for you in that way. My hospital is not great and they don't take bleeding seriously. Give them a ring, if they keep you in, just stay, do whats best for you and the baby.
im gonna, ive just been to the loo and its turning more red. theres only a bit but the pains still there. it takes my breath away and my tummy tightens, thats the scariest thing.

thankyou, i will keep you updated.
when you say 'in case they keep me in'

i mean incase i have to stay overnight, yes. i dont think i have any option, its hurting and been goin on too long.
Good luck sweetie, I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, keep us updated :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
def go to hospital hun... just for a check up.... sounds like braxton hicks ... but any blood should be checked.

Good luck xxxxxxxxxxxx
Best get yourself checked out babes. I am sure that everything will be alright.

Let us know how you are getting on. xxx
as much as you hate hospitals hun - let them check you and then if you need to be there for baba - you'll overcome your nerves about that :hug:
Good luck honey, let us know how you get on. Best to get it checked out. :hug:

Have you been? i really hope you are alright.x
Hi hun, i hope you are feeling better today. what did they say at the hospital?
:pray: hoping everythinbg is ok for you and baby Sweetheart :pray: your in our thoughts, Lv Yvonne xx :hug:

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