TTC No 2 - how long did you wait?


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2007
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It's a bit early for us to be actually start trying for a brother or sister for Jack, but it is something that's in the back of my head and keeps popping forwards again.

Me and DH are talking about having 4 kids (eep!) and I don't really want to be having kids in my 40s. I'm 29 at the end of the month though so that gives me a good 10 years to squeeze out 3 more kiddies.

Question is though, when to start? What's a good age gap? I was thinking that 2 years sounds good, but that doesn't give me much time to get some mat' pay stacked up. Leave it 3 years and I might be pushing it to get all 4 kids before 40.
not much help then hun as i have 14 years between my 2
8 years :rotfl: but after paris I was adament I didn't want more. Now I want at least 1 more.
I would like 4 children too and I'm 28 so in a similar situation.

If I could chose, I'd like a 2/3 year age gap now (so baby born when I'm 30ish) then a 4 year gap then 2 children within 18 months/2 years so to be finished my family by the time I'm 38ish.

If money/bedrooms were no object then I'd probably try to have all 4 within 6-8 years but I've nowhere to put them all at the moment and we can barely afford 1 baby just now!

Valentine Xxx
Theres just over 8 years between my two... I wasn't going to have any more after Tia... but when I met my new partner he really wanted more kids, so I relented... And after seeing a newborn the other day... he wants another one... sooo... we're gona start trying again next year... I want lil miss a bit bigger really so she can care for herself in more ways... ie. potty trained, feeding herself properly... :)
There will be 3.5 years between Lucy and this baby. We'd initially thought a gap of 2 years would be good but then I changed jobs so wanted to wait and get the decent mat leave etc. and then we had a miscarriage last year so it wasn't exactly planned but I'm quite happy really. Its turned out perfect in terms of the timing of my mat leave and we'll only have one child in nursery because by the time I go back to work Lucy will be starting school, so all in all I'm happy.
Millie was 2.5 when ryan was born which for me is a good age gap as she can help out looking after ryan, can tidy up after herself etc so its not quite as hard work as having two really close. If i had my way though i'd be pregnant now! xx
I always said I wasn't having anymore as my pregnancy wasn't very easy but the second she was born (LITERALLY the second!) I said 'I think I will have another one' (through tears! haha). We are planning to wait a couple of years though! I don't want too big an age gap but I don't want a close one either!
I do believe our ages was a factor in us having a small gap, as we'd love more children, but I don't think it was a big issue, I was very keen to have a small age gap between them, and luckily we got that. We have said we'd love a third child but will definitely wait until our daughter is at least 2yrs old before starting to TTC again, which will make me 33yrs old. We don't have a mortgage though, I've chose babies over that house buying pressure, but it means we'll only have a 2bed house too, so we'll all be squeezed in, but should we look into buying a house in the future, we may have to stop at 3 children, as I'd just have to work and I'm currently not being anything other than a SAHM, so it will depend on what we want most when it comes to TTC baby number 4 :lol: but again I'd prefer a small age gap between child 3 and 4, so would have to decide pretty soon after hehe Hate numbering children by the way, but done it so as to keep post shorter :think: :lol:
We also don't have to worry about paying for the house - thanks to some inheritance - but also only have 3 bedrooms. And one is very small. It wouldn't do to have bunk beds in there. The second room could squeeze 3 kids (packed in like sardines) and there is a definite bias towards boys in my hubbies family. Jack is one of 4 boy cousins, an my sister in law was the first girl born in about 3 generations! So maybe we'll be ok that way :D (I'm from a long line of single daughters)

Suppose WE could have the middle room and give the big bedroom to the kids....

We had originally said to have 2 close together, a gap, then 2 more close together. That's how DHs family went and they all get on really well. There's 10 years between hubby and his baby bro. But to do that we'd have to have 2 REALLY close together... Not sure if I can cope with that! :rotfl: His mum was 17 when she started so I have 11 years on her! She'd finished having her kids at the age I started :eek:
We started TTC when DD was 6 months old but it took us until she was 13 months old before we conceived, so we ended up with a 22 month age gap between them which has been good :)
im only 25 now, i love the age gaps between my children but i did want 2-3 year age gap. (i would like a couple more after this one but have to convince OH first lol)
We are not using any contraception but I am BF and haven't had a period yet. We would quite like 2 close together- maybe 18months between them. I am 32 so getting on :wink:

Hoping that I get a period soon and that I don't need to stop BF for it to appear :pray:

We def want 2, poss 3......
Well I think I know what I want to do now :)

I think maybe we'll start TTC around my 30th (next year), Jack wont be far off 18 months so there might be 2 to 2 1/2 years between them... fingers crossed!
As you can see from my ticker, im going for about the same... was going to start when Corey was 1YO. But think i'll wait abit longer, I want a winter baby this time!!
Ive got 10 years between Cameron and this one, ive said to oh that if we have a girl this will be our last and if its a boy we will have one more(he is on his knees praying for a girl).
I always planned to have about 2.5 years between kids as thats the gap between my brother and i. It didnt work that way, but i think CAmeron will be a great big brther at this age to
Well there is 2 and a half years between Harleigh and Joanna and although Joanna is a little difficult at times with her toddler tantrums which are fueled by a little jelousy she's actually fab with Harleigh and wants to help with bathing, nappy changing ect ect. I don't think i'd have one with like a year gap as I think that could be difficult. Thats my opp, take it or leave it :rotfl:
i've been thinking a lot about this as i've 2 views on it

1) close age gap/s children are close and play-mates i can finish the baby bits whilst i'm still young (i'm only 20 now)


2) i wait a while until we maybe have more money and i've got a career established...


good luck with your plans hun :)

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