Ttc after Mc Stories or advice welcome!!

Ive heard about being extremely fertile after an mc but I'm still trying after mine in October. Starting to worry there's something wrong with me.....

Some women are less fertile after. Once you miscarry it's like trying all over again. So a healthy young couple can take up to 18 months to concive. So it's like starting that all over again. But if your trying for 18 months all together see your gp and the'll send you for tests x

We're heading into cycle 15 now in total if nothing catches this time. It's incredibly draining isn't it? How did you stay so positive cause I'm struggling now? Xx

I seemed to get pregnant every 3 months ... and usually got pregnant when I drank alcohol lmao sounds bad, but in my opinion your body just relaxes.
The last one and this one I didn't drink cos we were trying really hard lmao but that's when I started taking soy to.
I would go to your gp they might be able to refer you sooner because it ranges from 12 - 18 months depending where you live.

What vitamins are you and oh taking? X
I was taking pregnacare preconception but they seemed to make me sick. Last few weeks I've been taking aspirin, vitamin d and folic acid as a midwif said taking it while ttc can help....
Can i ask why your taking aspirin? X

Omega 3 & vitamin c is also very important. I changed up mine and hubby's pills before getting preg with this sticky.

For both - omega 3 1000mg, vitamin c 1000mg, Tescos own ttc vitamina (comes as a double pack for both man and woman)

For me - 5mg folic acid (need it prescribed), soy 2 pills 3-5cd.

For hubby - 0.4 folic acid.

Can i ask why your taking aspirin? X

Omega 3 & vitamin c is also very important. I changed up mine and hubby's pills before getting preg with this sticky.

For both - omega 3 1000mg, vitamin c 1000mg, Tescos own ttc vitamina (comes as a double pack for both man and woman)

For me - 5mg folic acid (need it prescribed), soy 2 pills 3-5cd.

For hubby - 0.4 folic acid.


I was told baby aspirin helped with thickening of the lining which might help an egg catch, so I've been taking baby aspirin. Thanks. I'll look into it next cycle. I'm pretty sure I'm out again. :sad:
Oh, I've always been told not to take aspirin before bfp as makes it harder for the egg to implant as aspirin thins your blood.
Pregnancy and miscarriage consultants advise not to take it until 3+ miscarriages or find something wrong with your blood. But it's up to you, mine didn't like me taking it but I carried on lol. x
Also...Have you had an internal scan since your miscarriage? You should go and ask for one as miscarrying can leave scars which results in being unable to catch again because the egg can't implant (the Dr told me this and I went for several) x
Also...Have you had an internal scan since your miscarriage? You should go and ask for one as miscarrying can leave scars which results in being unable to catch again because the egg can't implant (the Dr told me this and I went for several) x

I had an internal scan about two weeks after and they said everything looked healthy. I'm still pink spotting but no AF yet. Felt really funny today, dizzy and nauseaous at times which is unusual fir me so I have a feeling this time the witch us really gona pummel me :sad:
I miscarried in February this year and now have another bfp fingers crossed it sticks this time, just thought I'd give you some hope that mc isnt the end for you
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