TTC after loss


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2012
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I got a shock positive on a test last week which ended in mc due to my coil fit.

Today I am back at work, and feel fine? which is actually scaring me how fine I feel? I feel bad for feeling ok almost?

I have stopped bleeding, have had no pain and as far as scan on Friday, I dont have anything remaining to pass.

I have an appointment with GP next week to check all is well and schedule removal of coil, I have decided not to get this back in for now and OH is fine with that.

I feel that perhaps going for scans, hearing other babies HB made everything all too real, even though we werent planning.

Instead of trying next year, I have a wee push to try earlier, is this normal to feel like this? I wasnt trying previously, never thought about it and was fine leaving it until next year before this happened. Now getting back to normal then TTCing is pretty much the thought atm.

I feel kinda guilty at the fact I was plodding along, now that Ive mc Im starting to brood. Even though I still shit myself when I seen those two lines :lol: I DTD last night the first time since mc (hormones must be weird atm as had a strong urge). We used withdrawal last night because, whilst this coil is in I am petrified this will all happen again.

I suppose, as these feelings are all new to me - I am needing someone to tell me that Im not completely bonkers I guess.... :lol:

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You're definitely not bonkers!!! I would say it's a normal reaction as you weren't trying. Like you say, now you've heard heartbeats and seen scans it makes it more real.
My story is different in that I came off the pill 1st June and fell pregnant in July. I was scared to death as I thought it would take a year to catch. Then I miscarried (mmc) and now all I can think about is wanting to be pregnant again.
All normal reactions I reckon. Doesn't make it any easier though!!
I had the urge to dtd couple days after id bn in hospital for medical managemrnt an tho i had bn told ur more fertile i wasny getting hopes up i can c ur point bout not wanting to try try while coil is in but like aragon says ur defo not bonkers xx
Yeah the last couple days ive had the urge but the first night i was too tired and last night i did but tonight im tired again lol.

Yeah i dont think its fair knowing my coil isnt in the best of places. And OH and i were talking and im pretty sure he only actually fully dtd once that cycle so now i really dont trust it.

So i need it out asap, 5/10/15 its a cool date and soon enough it was that or end of october. Im not in any rush to ttc straight away i think ill prob ntnp from novem and stop in jan then ttc from summer if nothing.

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That sounds like a plan russelmuscle :)
Good to get some control (as much as we can have!
I'm going to try from Jan xx
So sorry to hear about all your misscarriges, Aragon I was the same as you came off my pill 1st June and caught straight away in July Jen sadly miscarried and had medical managment 11th sep :-(

I want to TTC as soon as the bleeding stops ️xxx
Sorry to hear that Tina18. I'm off to the epu for a scan today to make sure my miscarriage was complete. I want to try asap but I'm off to Australia in December and the thought of miscarriage happening again but in another country really scares me. I know it might not happen but rather not take the chance.
Good luck ttc! Xx
I'm desperate to try again.

Me and oh dtd last night for the first time since all this started nearly five weeks ago.

I've got another scan on Friday which will hopefully be the last.

I've still had positive pregnancy tests though so hoping they go negative soon too.

If you've still got an ill fitting coil then best use something until it's out as you don't want this happening again.

Sorry Claire, I must have been under a rock to miss your BFP and subsequent sad news.

You do what you feel best, after all you know your body best.

I had to wait with my first loss as I bled for months (spotting mainly) then I had two pregnancies - sadly both losses - one immediately after the other so we decided on a break. In this break we had all our recurrent miscarriage testing [joy!]

If there is no reason to wait then go for it. Best of luck.

Hey love hope your good.

Its okay i wasnt expecting me to be pregnant never mind here so its easy to miss LOL.

I havent stopped thinking about getting this coil out and i do want another baby i want all the magical stuff again but obviously then stopping myself shitting myself over pregnancy and labour, my labour was good so I dunno why Im having this nervousness..

I think i will just get it out ntnp and im sure the scaredness will go away once Im pregnant because even when i got my lines i did crap myself but when the mw says could be something i was fine, wasnt scared of pregnancy or labour?

I think im just a bit nervous.... Perhaps because these feelings of broodiness have come from nowhere aswell....


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