I had the Nexplanon implant out after about 3 and a half years (Taken out just over 2 weeks ago) as we're trying for another baby. The problem is, who has had the same side effects since?
-Sore boobs!
-Abdominal cramps that get quite bad like period pain.
-Lower back ache + headaches occasionally.
-Severe dizziness like you're going over a bridge in a car :/
-More discharge than usual that looks like it could be around ovulation time.
-Randomly feeling nauseous sometimes in the day.
-Pain around the vulva/inside during sex. Its like I can actually feel my left ovary hurting!
I gathered it's not because I am actually pregnant yet because its too soon, but has anyone else had the same side effects or have actually got pregnant soon after the implant removal? I'm so impatient! ): Feeling broody is horrible.
Pregnancy tests have been negative too, so I can rule that one out..
I had the Nexplanon implant out after about 3 and a half years (Taken out just over 2 weeks ago) as we're trying for another baby. The problem is, who has had the same side effects since?
-Sore boobs!
-Abdominal cramps that get quite bad like period pain.
-Lower back ache + headaches occasionally.
-Severe dizziness like you're going over a bridge in a car :/
-More discharge than usual that looks like it could be around ovulation time.
-Randomly feeling nauseous sometimes in the day.
-Pain around the vulva/inside during sex. Its like I can actually feel my left ovary hurting!
I gathered it's not because I am actually pregnant yet because its too soon, but has anyone else had the same side effects or have actually got pregnant soon after the implant removal? I'm so impatient! ): Feeling broody is horrible.
Pregnancy tests have been negative too, so I can rule that one out..