TTC after depo and taking agnus castus


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Mar 14, 2012
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Hi everyone. i have a 3 year old already and we trying for are second baby i started depo injection in dec 09 and had my last shot jun 11, so the shot run out in oct 11. i had a little bit of spotting in oct but nothing ells since :mad:. i started taking agnus castus 400mg x4 a day, i am currently on my 6th week of taking it and so far nothin :wall2: and it is really bugging me. All i want is to get my periods back to normal. i was wondering if anyone ells is taking ac and how long does it take for my periods to return on it. i never had no problems before taking starting the depo i no it takes a while for it to get out ur body which i was not mad aware of when choose to go on it. thanks for reading
Hi sorry I can't help but did not want to read and run!

I am sure someone will have some advice!

I got my period 2 weeks after taking AC, I was having a very long cycle.

Sorry it's not much help, they do say it can take 3 months to get into your system. Have you not had a period for 6 wks then? How du know when ure ovulating? Du do temps of opk 's? You shud only take AC up to ovulation so u need to have an idea wen that is.

I take AC and Metformin SR from the DR's. The metformin has helped me loads but i have had no AF this month but baby either so i have no idea.

I got my period 2 weeks after taking AC, I was having a very long cycle.

Sorry it's not much help, they do say it can take 3 months to get into your system. Have you not had a period for 6 wks then? How du know when ure ovulating? Du do temps of opk 's? You shud only take AC up to ovulation so u need to have an idea wen that is.


hi i have not had a period at all since being on and off the injection other than the spotting, i have down ov test and pg test and all negative xx i regret going on the injection i was fine untill now xx:sad::sad:
The pill messed my body up too & I wish I'd come off it yrs ago, but no point dwelling on the past need to concentrate on the future.

Don't stress yourself out with opk's until u start getting ure cycles back, they will only upset u. Try charting your temps that's how I started wen I wasn't having periods, I found it less stressful than opk's.

I was on the depo for 10 years :shock: When I decided to TTC it took 6 months for my cycle to kick in. Luckily my cycle was regular after that and I conceived after my fourth cycle. I did use AC but only after I had a regular cycle.

I was told that it can take up to a year for a women to get a cycle back after stopping the injection. Everybodies different your body may need a bit more time.
Wish I'd known about how long cycles take to return to normal after being on the injection... came off the injection 4 months ago and no period as yet. Started taking AC yesterday and am planning on taking 2 tabs twice a day, as recommended. So frustrating, as my husband is ten years older than me and has been wanting children for a while, but I wanted to wait til we were married. If I'd known how long it took for cycles to return to normal afterwards I would have come off the injection a year before the wedding :(
Feeling very negative about it all at the moment, as from looking at various threads on this site, it looks like it can take a year plus for women to get pregnant after coming off depo. Looks like I've got a long way to go then! :(
toni26, have your cycles come back yet?
Hi, I'm in a similar position my partners 11 years older than me, were both trying for our first baby... I was on the injection for a little under 2 years came off it march 11, periods came back in june and iv had 28 day cycles since! But still no pregnancy :/ it is soo frustrating!! Xx
Hi charlotte. yeh i was on the injection for 3 years... do you think the longer you're on it,the longer it takes your cycle to return to normal? Guess we just need patience! Difficult though when you already had a timescale in mind. and difficult when you've got an older partner... we were hoping to have two. at least your cycle has returned to normal. guess there's hope for me too then!

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