TTC after a miscarriage.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2008
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sorry if this seems a bit insensitive, but i dont know who else to ask :?

after a M/C how long did you wait before TTC again? did you wait a cycle, or longer, or did you start TTC again straight away?

i know we need to be ready to TTC again, and we really really are, but i have no idea what the medical advice about it is, and id like to know how others who have been through it felt about it.

im sorry if this upsets anyone, i dont want anyone to think that my loss hasnt affected me, i just dont know who else to turn to :cry:
actually, i wasnt even TTC when i got pregnant in november, but losing the baby SPURRED me into wanting to TTC straight away! made me realise i AM ready for baby #2 after all :)

i was ready to jump straight in before my first period, and actually *kind of* half-heartedly did do for a bit, until had a proper talk with DF and he wants to wait a few months so thats the only reason i'm waiting. if he said go i'd be TTC right now.

i havent gone back on the pill, am charting like TTC-ers do but for now to AVOID fertile window, then in a couple months we can just switch :)

even so, i am kinda hoping we caught anyway! :shhh: :lol:

oh and me too- my loss affected me very much :(

we dont have to wait a certain amount of time to "prove" our losses upset us. :hug:
Have a look at this website ... /again.htm. It gives you some encouraging information about trying again. I had a missed miscarriage and had an ERPC on 29 December. As soon as my bleeding stopped, we started trying again. Haven't had my period yet, don't think it's on its way yet, and I don't think I've even ovulated yet either so I think I have a while to go yet. I was told it could take up to 8 weeks for my period to show its ugly face again. Good luck and sorry for your loss x
Hi there, we miscarried in November and we were advised to wait until after my next period before trying again. The only reasons given for this were firstly to make sure everything had left the womb etc and secondly so that you would know what dates to use if you were lucky enough to get pregnant again straight away. To be honest we started again after about 2 weeks when i felt ready but i didnt get caught this time anyway. Hope that helps x
i had a mmc last january and i waited till i had my first period to TTC again
I had my m/c on 14th Dec and after it'd stopped we decided to ttc straight away. I was advised to wait until I'd got my first af but we thought hey, if my body's ready it'll happen and if it's not then it won't. Plus, you're more fertile apparently straight after and we didn't want to miss that window of opportunity!!
I've just got my first af after the m/c so at least i can start charting again to figure out my cycle. Actually, it was only 33 days after the m/c so my body's returned to normal again, which is encouraging.

I suppose it's really up to you and when you feel ready to try again. Good luck sweetie :hug:
sorry its taken me a couple of days, but thanks for your replies.

we have decided to wait for AF to show up before we try again, mainly because we have decided to get married on 27th June eeeeeeeekkkkkk :D

so, not only does that give us something to look forward to, but i wont get too stressed if we dont fall pregnant again quickly.
Sorry to hear you had a miscarraige hun :(
When i had my pregnancy losses i tried straight away well as soon as my cycle become
normal again so i could work out when i was due Af etc..
Good luck hun and congratulations on your wedding Woop woop :)
I got married in june last year :) xx
Firstly, sorry about your loss :hug:
Secondly, congrats on your engagement :cheer:

Ok, back to point 1. We were advised to wait until we were emotionally ready to TTC. We also waited until I had 2 AFs before TTC. I mostly wanted this as I wanted to know if I'd be regular with AF. In fact, I was.
For me it took a few months really - I wanted to deal with it emotionally first, but eventually it took me a year to get pregnant again. I don't think you are being insensitive to your loss. I agree with Trixie about the spurrning on for a little un.

Good luck xx

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