TTC after 2 miscarriages........


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2013
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Hi everyone,

So myself and the hubby have been TTC for over 2 years now and unfortunately, on both 16th June this year I miscarried, and then on the 14th September, I miscarried again!

I am trying my hardest to be positive and although I have the days where I am fine, I seem to be struggling more often than not when it seems everyone has a baby or is pregnant.

I guess I'm scared that when I do fall pregnant again I'll have episode number 3, but then I'm also worried that I won't fall pregnant again as my cycles have gone crazy!

I have been so regular with my insanely long 7 week cycle and have just had a 4 week cycle so that's confused me. I guess that's just my body settling down again!

Anyway, sorry to give you my life story but I just feel like a little support is exactly what I need right now. My husband is amazing but I don't think he understands what losing my babies has done to me! He's very much a 'everything'll be fine' kind of guy!

Thank you for reading! xxx
Hi, sorry to hear about your experiences - ttc is just the hardest emotional roller coaster ever. I'm sure the odds of you going on to have a successful third pregnancy are very good and as you have caught twice this year it will hopefully happen sooner rather than later for you.

I had a mmc early in 2012 and have only just got another bfp so I know how hard it is to keep positive. I found the not knowing very difficult, in fact the worst part - if I knew either way I'd be able to come to terms with it but it's the limbo I couldn't stand. All the signs for you are very positive that you can conceive though.

My oh also took the everything will be fine approach - I guess they feel the need to protect and fix things so it's the only response they have really. There are lots of ladies on here who will understand your fears and I'm sure can offer some reassurance xx
Hi Kelly I'm in the same boat. Have been ttc for a year now with miscarriages in June and November. I received a D&C after both with the most recent one being 2 weeks ago. My husband is also amazing which really helps. I'm hoping to fall pregnant again straight away, fingers crossed. Although I'll be worried I do think both my miscarriages have just been random bad luck, I'm praying for third time lucky.

Good luck with your journey. Long cycles are so frustrating. Took 7 weeks for my period to come after D&C last time xxx
aww im sorry i had my last loss in january and my first was a year before, it takes me a long time to fall pregnant i think its due to the stress i go through each time, iknow its horrible having the worry of getting pregnant aswell, my cycles have just started to be normal the last 2 months but before that they were 40-60 days so i know how you feel , i think it does take time for your body to readjust you will get pregnant again just try to think positive in that way , and theres every chance the next time you will carry full term xxxxx
It's scary isn't it. Who would have thought trying to start a family would be so painful ! I've been ttc for over 8 years and had my first BFP in sept but mc 8 weeks. Horrible isnt it. I sooo want another BFP but I'm sooo scared it may happen again xxx
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I feel like that too, any future pregnancy will be scarred by this horrible experience. I won't be able to enjoy it until I know everything's ok. I wish everything here lots of luck, we will do it!!! Xx
It is awful and I know I'll have my BFP one day, I'd just rather it's sooner than later!

I haven't been on here for a little while as I've been away but I'm glad I've joined the forum as it's good to hear other peoples perspectives on such an important subject! We're all going through similar situations and I guess a little extra support is never a bad thing! :)

Thanks everyone! x
This journey is becoming even more bumpy - I'm still waiting for my period and it's been 6 weeks. I keep on thinking something wrong. Had a few different pregnancy tests come up negative in the last few days so I hope the hormones are out of my system. Why is it so tricky for certain people and not for other people who don't have a clue how to look after children? (I'm a teacher so see this a lot) :(
Oh Cazzie, hopefully you'll get the result you want hun! I found myself being 10 weeks late back in January and it was just a nightmare as I was convinced I was pregnant and then I wasn't, the doctor did what seemed like a million tests and in the end I just needed to stop thinking too much into it and let my body take charge! (Easier said than done eh?)

Try not to worry too much and fingers crossed for you!

It's so frustrating sometimes:wall2: but I just know we'll get those BFP's before long! I'll be testing on the 22nd December! Please keep me updated, I'll be sending positive thoughts your way! :) x

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