Trying :)

Ive not been on the pill for 2/3 years ! its abuot a year and a half... if that makes any difference !! Lol x
thank you guys for all your help !!!
but all the abrevations are so confusing, anyone wana help me out there lol ??

Hi pixie,:wave:

There is a thread listing all the abbreviations, if you use the search tab at the top of the page you should find it.

I wasnt on the pill but was on the depo injection for nearly 10 years and it took 6 months for my period to return. I was TTC for 7 months before i fell pregnant unfortunetly i had a MC.

They say after a MC your bodies craves to be pregnant again so FX.

TTC is a very bonkers time and the more relaxed you can be the better, our bodies play lots of tricks on us so be prepared!:)

Good luck and hope you get your BFP soon xxx
hi and welcome to pf!

I think it varies a lot on how long it takes to fall pregnant. My friend made it on the first cycle of trying. I've been trying for a year now, without any results, but I know that I will make it soon!

You just have to try to be patient and find out how your body works.

Wish you all the best!

thats very interesting that it took 6 months for you to get one, mine was like 2 / 3 weeks is that normal ?? maybe its because i wasnt on it very long i dunno ??

ohh thansk for the abbreviations tip lol.

Im sorry to here that hun :( ive been through one and it was bloody aweful bled for 10 days and the pain was the wrost pain ive ever felt :(

can i ask you how long in to it you were ?? you dont have to say its very personal i know.

Its a shame that MC are so common :( ive had one and my sister had 2 one at 6 months preg and one about a month poor thing and my mum lost a big right at the end, poor thing :(
so my heart goes out to you xxx
Thanks hunni, i was 7+3 weeks when i started bleeding but baby had stoppped growing at 6 weeks :cry: i bled for over 2 weeks it was a flippin nightmare!

I hadnt realised how common they were and since ive had mine ive spoken to other people that have had them.

It must have been awful for your mum and sister losing them so late on.

With the depo injection its stops your period altogether for some people and it can take up to 18 months for them to return so i think i was quite lucky!

Hey luvie :wave:

I'm currently on month 4 TTC came off pill in may but my cycles still not regular but I do have long cycles anyway 37 days at mo x
I started opk last month an had a definite positive from eBay cheapies so I would say definitely give them a go x
This month I'm trying preseed too which is a lubricant which helps sperm "find their way" lots of the girls who tried it last month got their BFP so fx it will be my month x

Goodluck any worries were all here to help feel free to pm me if ever needed x

:dust :bd: :dust:
ahh right fair enough im not really sure how long mine are and i dont know if you would call the period i had a proper or normal one as it was only for 4 days i think so i dunno ??
i guess if im not pregnant before my next one ill find out lol.
dont you just hate all this waiting !
and im not guna lie i thought it was as easy and just BD !! but noo didnt know there was all this lark involved haha oh well it will be all so so worth it when it happens :)

we know everything already names how we want our babies bed room, the furniture, working hours before and after :) everythin :)
i was the same my luvie- very niave to it all but i think if we use all these things then well get the end result a baby quicker!!

none of us like the waiting- the wait to ovulate is worse than the official 2 week wait (2WW) - cos i know im definetly not pregnant at the moment!!

im louise btw :wave:
its crazy isnt it lol
We just want our family to start sooner. we both are so excited, agai i think its worse because i wont in mothercare and see it al everyday !!
Well good luck hun :) x
Hi im Kirsty :)
I have a theory about coming off the pill coz I used to really muck about with it (taking it one after another so I didnt have a period) quite often and now my body is all mucked up!! Wonder if I had been a good girl with it then I might have been better off!! Mind you had been on it for 8 years so prob is a mixture of them both!!
Hey Pixie Dust. I came off the pill after 9 years last May, we weren't ttc yet but I just thought I'd taken it long enough. My cycles are still all out of wack some have been fairly normal and other really long. I'm currently on cycle day 49 (i think, I'm beginning to lose count). I realyl hope this is still the fault of the pill and not something else wrong cos I want to start ttc in May and I was realy hoping things would be regular by then.
Mrs N I wouldn't worry that being naughty with the pill made a difference I only ran the packs together once in the 9 years I took it and its still mucked me up. I do think being on it a long time probably makes a difference though.
I was on the pill for 6 1/2 years amd came off in Dec and was very fortunate to slot back into 29 cycles ever since. Used OPK's tho to check I was ovulating as even though you can have your period you don't always ovulate after the pill (I think) so I got them to double check which helps reassure you that you're normal! Worth getting, from Amazon are cheap too!

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