dilema, dilema... when's best to start trying!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2005
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i'm in a dilema... in an ideal world! i'd come off the pill august after our july holiday, monitor my periods till december then when i come back from my big trip to NY with the girls i'd start trying and fingers crossed get my BFP at the start of Jan... but i don't know how to get a membership to this ideal world... If i became pregnant Jan next year... all my loans etc would be finished off the september the baby would be due! meaning i could afford to take full 9 months off maternity and then even consider going back to work 3 days a week... but say i don't get pregnant in the Jan.. i'm 34 this year (can't hold back the years) so i thought i'll come off the pill now... whats a few extra months but say i do get pregnant straight away... i'd be 9 months in Dec... what about my big trip to NY i've been waiting for all my life... and cost me a bloody fortune! what should i do? if i got pregnant after my july holiday i'd be 5 months pregnant going to NY... i'm sure i'd be able to fly, wouldn't i?

I know i'm stressing over something stupid but it's a time thing with me... i'm not getting any younger.

any advise?
Im not sure if you could fly to New York as I dont think they advise such long trips when pregnant, saying that you shouldnt be anywhere near labour so it might be ok.

Its really hard to plan things around pregnancy. I didnt think for a second that Id still be TTC after a year. I am 29 and my partner is 28 and as far as we know have no fertility problems so it can just take alot of time. I think its rare to get pregnant after your first month of trying but it does happen for some very lucky people of course!

At the end of the day, I wouldnt worry about the money aspect too much, there is never a right time and you will never have enough money, but you will always cope with what you have got. There are usually alot of people alot worse off than you.
Hi Hayley

I am a total planner! I like everything to be mapped out in my life and Im not very spontaneous at all! :oops: DH and I have been v broody for about 3 years but put TTC on hold to make sure we had everything sorted before we had kids (ie, married, house, financially stable). The thing I have learned in the last 5 months is that, it will happen when it is meant to and just because you planned it to happen then, doesnt mean it will! :D

I have put off several holidays because I thought I would be pregnant by now. If you were to be pregnant for NY and feel that you were not able to go, as long as you have insurance you should be able to get most of your money back?

Good luck for whatever you decide :hug:
Hi Hayley

In the ideal world I would have got pregnant in January, as that would mean i could make the most of maternity leave and school holidays (i'm a teacher). I thought i was taking a risk by starting to ttc in November, in case it happened at the first attempt :rotfl:
Here we are in April and still ttc.
We've booked a holiday for july and i'm already wondering 'what if I'm just pregnant?' but we'll cross that bridge if 7when we come to it - I think I would go anyway!

In short what I'm trying to say is it will happn when it happens, and there is no point making or altering plans on the off-chance.

Good luck!
:wave: Hi Hayley

Ive been TTC since Jan, Ive been actually TTC for 4 cycles and Im not PG this month either. It took me 8 months to conceive with Isabella. I was hoping it wouldnt take so long :( Im also just 34 and they say it takes longer the older you get.

I think in life you can never really plans things, life is a great surpriser !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope it doesnt take you long to conceive. :D
I think you should start TTC now because you just never know how long its going to take and just like loola said its very rare you get pregs the first month or even the 2nd.. but whatever you pick and sure its the right choice.. good luck :) ..xx
thanks for your replies.. sally i'm like you! i plan everything! i enjoy planning things and counting down to the day! such as birthday parties, wedding, holidays... i drive my husband crazy! but thats me. knowing i can't plan this baby is driving me crazy! I like everything to be organised and fit together just right. :oops: i'm crazy i know! I think i'll come off the pill as planned (maybe july) when we go on our summer holidays... if i'm one of the very lucky ones i'll be 5 or 6 months pregnant going to NY which i think will be fine! they're the best months anyway (more energy, sickness finihsed) if it takes longer then fine too... i just wont try the month before as doctord advise not to fly then...

right i think i've sorted it out...
Glad you have everything sorted! Yes, i drive my DH mad too! :oops:

Lots of luck...and keep us posted! :hug:
Hi Hayley

I'm glad I'm not alone!

In my ideal world I was going to get pregnat last oct when we were on holiday in Costa Rica (it would have then been the last big holiday), alas 8 cycles on still nothing!!! So bugger it we have just booked a trip to Bangkok, Cambodia & Hongkong for August!

We cant put our life on hold and as the age thing is also a bit of an issue for me (32) we're not going to stop trying either. If I am pregnant when we go away then I'll just have to manage.

Good luck to you TTC and have a fab holiday or 2!! :hug:
I was 5 months pregnant this time last year when we went to NY! Had a great time and felt fab! Being pregnant made no difference!
You never know how long it will take, so I would start now. It will happen when it is suppose to, trips or no trips....good luck to you!!! :hug:
mummybe - if i got pregnant on my july family hols i'd be 5 months going to NY.. i don't think i'd find it a problem.. i love shopping and would shop if i was on my death bed... so a bump isn't going to stop me! but then i'm going with loads of girls! who'll all be trying cocktails and dancing their socks off!!!! i suppose i can just eat massive amount of cheese cake! oh no.. no cheese cake when your pregnant! well burgers and chocolate cake will make do... i suppose it'll happen when it happens... if the fairies are reading this.. a bit of fairy dust in dec after my NY hols would be appreciated...

h x

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