How long have you all been trying?

Anna Marie

Well-Known Member
Jul 6, 2005
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Just wondered how long everyone has been trying to concieve.. as I joined this forum already pregnant and then sadly losing the little bean I haven't really been officially "trying" but I am now..

Just curious as it seems some are lucky to concieve without really trying and others take a while ..

Hi Anna marie

I'm sorry to hear about your M/C... welcome to the forum. You'll find loads of peopel to chat to on here who have been through the same situations.

I came off the pil last september 04. We where going on holiday end of Jan so didn't want to get caugh before.. We official started trying End Jan begin of Feb. We decided we wouldn't take it too serious and just BD (baby dance) when we felt like and hope for the best. Unfortunately that hasn't worked. I tried using ovualtion sticks a few times but didn't really use them correctly as I wasn't desperatly trying! But that's all changed now... i'm so desperate for a baby we're doing everything by the test book..... this is my 2nd month doing it correctly (using ovualtion sticks, keeping off caffeine/alchol, eating healthy, BD at the right times and keeping an eye on cervical mucus) didn't realised there was so much too it!

Good luck hope you don't have to wait long till you get a BFP
Keep up hope everyone, some people fall easily and others take a little time, we took 17 months only to fall on the very day our fertility treatment was due to start!

What matters is that we all want these babies, and love them. Try to relax (we actually stopped TTC every other day a couple of weeks before we fell PG as OH was saving up reserves to do his 'bit' in a cup tests for the treatment and wanted to have the best result possible after abstaining from BDing for a few days! The one day we gave in it happened!

Good luck to all i was in this forum forever and know how you all feel!

We've been trying on and off all year, we stopped for 2 or 3 months as we booked a holiday for July but now we're seriously trying. We're still relaxed about it all at the moment but it's still disappointing when AF arrives. I've just bought the book "Taking Charge of your fertility" and it's a really enlightening read. I would really recommend it. I hope it's not too long for us all. I can't imagine how it must feel to see a BFP result. I can't wait :lol:
Hi Anna Marie,

Sorry to hear about your recent m/c, hope you get a bfp and a healthy 9 months very soon.
My story is very similar to Hayley's came off the pill in Dec 04 (after 9 years) and so far have had no luck. Spent the first few months just taking it in my stride, although secretly I thought I would be pregnant by now. This is the first month I have been using the opk, not sure if it's worked though, guess I will find out in a couple of weeks. It's hard not to let ttc take over your life, but it's great to have the girls on the forum, I have learnt so much about my body since joining last month, there's no-one better to take tips from than the people who have been successful. Nice to meet you anyway!!
We've been trying to conceive for 5 months now, although this is only my 3rd month charting. Taking charge of your fertility is a great book.

Hoping it will be third time lucky this month :)

Baby dust to all ttc

thanks for your responses gals...
I suppose we were very lucky to concieve when we did as I had no idea about my cycle at the time and had not read any of the books.. but in reality knowing that I have concieved in the past is not that much of a comfort.. yes seeing that BFP is awesome but very scary when there is a history of m/c... and I think if I do see another in the near future I will probably cry with worry instead of excitement but I guess that is only natural.

So all this "really trying" is about charting etc?? I didn't read any fertility books.. just bought a pregnancy book after BFP.. now I need to step backwards and read all about fertility and improving my chances so i can try again..

hhhmmm.. good luck everyone, happy BD'ing and keep us posted when testing time comes round!!!

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