Trying again?


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2006
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I just wondered what the thoughts were about trying again and when? Some things I have read say leave it a cycle, some say that isn't necessary and you can try again straight away. Is there anything that should stop us trying again in terms of risks to the next pregnancy?

We had another thread about this.

My thought is- most doctors advise to wait, so why risk it?

I was advised to wait till I've had 2 periods- I think that's cos I had a D + C though. So I did.

Just used condoms for a few weeks- and they've improved since 5 years ago when I last used them :)
When I lost my first they advised me to wait for a full cycle, but they said they would recommend three but the body would be ok after the first cycle.
I think that personally its best to wait for the first one and let your body get over it and alsom give yourself greiving time.
Sorry for your loss hun :hug:
Im not too sure, i got preg in July lost it early didnt have a d and c and then got pregnant straight away in August, then was told at scan at 9 weeks I had a blighted ovum.

im not sure if my recent miscarriage was due to me not waiting, i asked them they said most likely not but I guess now maybe its best to wait to make sure everything has properly been cleared out.

Im not saying that if you don't wait you will miscarry, I think its best to wait like the others said maybe best to give the body a break emotionally an physically before ttc.

everyone seems to be told different, some are told to wait and some are told there is no need to. I was told that if i felt ready i could try again and if my body wasnt ready physically i wouldnt fall pregnant, this is even after a d&c, i had a d&c on the 1st august and started trying a few weeks after and i didnt fall pregnant and we are trying again this month. I really think it is up to you if you feel ready or not. Good luck whatever you decide to do.
hi hun i was told the only reason they like you to wait atleast 1 cycle is so you can work your dates out no other reason then that.
i dint wait at all with this pg after my d&c but hubbys sperm is slow lol and it toke 2 cycles
i think its whenever you feel is right in youself
good luck
manda xx
Hows it going hun?

How you decided if your going to start trying??


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