Trying again practicalities.


Well-Known Member
Dec 15, 2009
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I found out I had miscarried on 8th March and had a D&C a week later. I'm now thinking about when we will try again. I see some ladies on here that have done it straight away without waiting for a period. If you fell straight away how do the practicalities work such as knowing when you conceived? Obviously the date of last period wont be any use - do you count from the miscarriage, and how do you know how many weeks gone you are? Also, how do you know if a positive test is correct and it isn't old HcG from the previous pregnancy?

Any advice would really be appreciated. My husband wants to wait a month, but I would like to start sooner (maybe).
Hi Lillie, How are you doing now, I was curious on this too, great you are thinking about it again maybee

I'm not sure but, sounds like you could get a early dating scan when you see your doctor if you didn't know if your dates were correct, not ideal , I won't be waiting , as I feel like I neeeeeed to get pregnant now!!

I didn't realise we both found out on the same day 8th march, and then you had to wait till the following monday for your D&C, if I was being booked straight into reading rather than heatherwood, and didn't have the emergancy at reading on the friday before, I would have been booked in for the same day probably and met in person! spooky.
Hi JJ -It really is a small world!

I'm doing OK (I think - still not trusting my hormones 100% yet).

I'm wishing you really good luck in getting pregnant quickly! I do wonder if my body pattern is following yours to a certain extent. I was a few days behind you on the D&C front and seem to be having the same symptoms a few days later = numbness first, then upset, then insanity and crying in public, then the ' I cant be bothered with anything anymores' and then I decided this afternoon that I miss being pregnant and want to be pregnant RIGHT NOW. Perhaps it is a case of ovulation being close and our bodies sensing it ? (I read that ovulation can happen at around 14 days after a D&C but I dont know if thats true)

The major problem I have with not knowing exactly where I would be with dates is the fear of miscarrying again. I know you can have blood tests for rising hcg levels - but mine were rising at 6 weeks yet the baby died at 6 weeks and my body continued to be 'pregnant' with morning sickness and getting bigger. I just dont trust the hcg tests to tell me if I was miscarrying. I cant deal with finding out again at the 12 week scan, and would want an early scan to confirm everything was OK if I was to bleed. BUT if I was less than 6 weeks (and didnt know because I was impatient and wouldnt wait for a period!) there may not be any sign of a heartbeat anyway and I would be in limbo hell.

I'm writing a novel here - sorry everyone. I cant seem to get my head straight.
I really would advise you both to wait....
I got pregnant 2 periods after my D&C, and it turns out I'm bleeding again - most likely another m/c, it's too heavy and painful to be anything else.
I'm really, really dying to be pregnant and be a mum for the first time, but I have to stress now how important it is to wait for your body to be ready.
Then again, my sister-in-law got pregnant without waiting after her D&C, and now has a healthy little boy - but she did have 13 m/c's before him.

Whatever you both decide, I hope it goes well for you xx
Before I had my little girl I had a mc, these were my dates

December 12th MC/ERPC
We tried as soon as I stopped bleeding which was 4-5 days
I had a 12 day bleed which started on 4th January (but actually had felt pg over New year) and then got a :bfp: on 21st January
I had/have no idea whether the 12 day bleed was a period or whether I was already pg

I'm a strong believer in if your body is ready to implant a pg then it is ready to sustain it as well x

Best of luck hun :hug:
Lillie - As we are simular dates - I think I am ovulating, I worked out that if it took 2-6 weeks for a period to start, and 2 weeks being best case, then I would be due to ovulate about now. Well I am bloated and my right side only has been sore and generally crampy, also my boobs are a little bit strange (as they had already returned to normal). so I really think I am ovulating , I don't normally nottice to be fair but I think everything is a bit more in tune / sensitive at the moment due to the pregnancy.

I do wonder how much to go by starting dates from the D&C as if the baby died at 9 weeks and the D&C happened at 11 +5 days then surely the hormones had already started lowering and potentionaly the ovulation could have been before?

If I'm not ovulating then maybee the 1st period is on the way....

Good luck with getting your cycle back to normal

Wishing you all the luck Heulyn, hope it's not as it seems X
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I've read so much stuff on the internet about D&Cs and miscarriage in general and I dont know if any of it is true, but I did read somewhere that you would only ovulate once your hcg hit zero and all the bleeding and stuff had finished, technically I guess that would be after the D&C had cleared everything away. Dont know how accurate that is though - hopefully someone on here will know as I am far from being medically aware - I didnt even realise I had broken a knuckle last year.

I dont think I have a choice about trying before my first period as my husband is insistent on waiting just in case. I suppose I could ply him with alcohol and prance around in my pants but I dont really feel up to that yet.
:rotfl:Oh your funny! go on give it a whirl
Thanks for that :) I must of got pregnant first cycle then x
I guess you can never really tell what your body is up to! I just spoke to a friend who had a D&C and then fell pregnant 2 weeks afterwards. She found out what week she was by going for an early scan.

I think I'll have to wait, not because I'm a control freak (hmm) but because I'd need to know how many weeks gone I was, I'm not good with going with the flow, especially after what has just happened.
I know what you mean Lillie, you can regain some kind of order after what you have been through, and that path means being a little more certain what is occuring with your body, and the dates, then thats a great idea.

Don't forget whatever feels right for you is defeinately the way to go

Hope work was ok today and that your feeling positve and happy today X Jenni

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