True colours


Well-Known Member
May 29, 2007
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we have so many sad stories on relationships...and you could be forgiven into thinking that all relationships are bad...but they are not.

Every now and again someone you love shows their true colours...and DH has done that this weekend. he has shown me that our relationship is far more important to him than anything or anyone in the world... he stands by me and encourages me to be the bigger and mature person and let things go despite the evidence in my hands...

(case in point.. Sunday we went to my parents house...I told my brother you cannot lick you elbow... he tried to prove he could... he naturally failed, but still insisted that he could :wall: :wall: so after arguing for 10 mins with my brother...DH kindly said... remember what we talked about being a bigger person and letting it go...well I did let it go...and you know what... I felt good... Its a simplistic tale, one of many recently, but it illustrates my point..for someone so young he's really quite wise...and he's right I have to learn not to let things like this get to me...I have to let them go. no matter how much it annoys me...I just have ignore it, nod and say "whatever" :rotfl:.)

so I want to make a public thanks to my husband. the man who cares for our family, who cried at the birth of lil miss, but wipes Tia's and my tears away, with his kind and gentle words. Not every man can be strong and mature enough to take on another man's child, and despite being young, he has done it for 5 years with stoic pride...

We have come far in our years together, been through so much, yet stood side by side through it all, and when he hasn't been able to take my pain away...had to watch while I suffered, when I had to go through things alone... he has still been there in the background cheering me on, holding my hand, believing in me. He's not just my husband... he's my best friend, my soul mate, and I knew he was the one from the moment I saw him. He came along when I'd lost all hope in men...been beaten and betrayed for years and renewed my faith. And I love him for it all...

No one is perfect, he doesn't do things wrong just different, and our differences add excitement, challenge our intellects and keeps our relationship from going stale.

So to my husband...Thank you from the bottom of my heart... :hug:
awww that so nice..your so day i hope il meet someone who i feel like that about....until then :moon: :moon: :moon: to men hehe

:hug: :hug: :hug:
That is lovely and beautifully written :clap: :clap:
That is gorgeous :cry: and it's so lovely to hear a truly beautiful post about a relationship :cheer:

I hope one day I have the half the relationship you two have, I'll be eternally happy and eternally grateful :hug: x
:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: for your OH. That was great to read and I am so glad that you 'found' him.
that is lovely squig
it has made me think about me and my OH....we argue and we fall out about stupid little things (cos im insecure) but at the end of the day he is still here and still with me.
Recently we have been so so rocky and i relaly thought it was the end, but he stayed and now we are stronger than ever.
You sound like you have got a fantastic man there squig and i hope he keeps on doing that for you (im sure he will :)).
Its the opposite way round for us...he has a son that i have accepted as part of OH's is hard to do but so worth it, and im sure your OH loves every minute of it as im sure i will do in years to come
take care
What you on bout they are all gits, ALL of the time :roll:

:rotfl: ok i suppose they are ok
I'm gonna remind you of this post next time you and him have a tiff :lol:

That's really nice though, you deserve to be happy :hug: :hug:
Littlelady87 said:
What you on bout they are all gits, ALL of the time :roll:

:rotfl: ok i suppose they are ok

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Kirsty... please remind me... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
Aww i hope me and my OH are like that in the future too... :hug:
Thats wonderful squig hun :hug: :hug:

It has made me smile because it reminds me how special my OH is too, we have been through some tough times the last year with finding out I cant get pregnant, almost losing the house, among other things....but we have remained solid and he is always there, always makes me feel so happy and that we can get through anything together. I just hope I make him feel the same...he is a very special person and i'm so lucky to have him :)
Thank you for posting that. What a beautiful thing to read.
Div Girl
You say you are lucky to have him, and from what you say, you probably are...but he is a lucky guy too! :cheer:

Thank you for posting that its nice to hear and gives us girls hope that haven't got what you've found :hug: xx
Gosh, I really don't know what to say...

When I read the post I got a tears in my eyes because I don't think I even should get credit for what I've done; for me there just isn't anything else I could do.

I'm far from perfect and I really should thank you for helping me get through the rough patches (well I have thanked you but I really can't thank you enough) and stand all my bad sides (yes, more than one)...

I can only say that I love you and always will and to forgive me for not saying it more often.

Thank you.
that is really sweet, glad ur all loved up now! whats that about licking elbows tho lol i can lick mine!?
cyberfin said:
Gosh, I really don't know what to say...

When I read the post I got a tears in my eyes because I don't think I even should get credit for what I've done; for me there just isn't anything else I could do.

I'm far from perfect and I really should thank you for helping me get through the rough patches (well I have thanked you but I really can't thank you enough) and stand all my bad sides (yes, more than one)...

I can only say that I love you and always will and to forgive me for not saying it more often.

Thank you.

Hi Mr Squiglet :wave:

Aw you two are making me feel all warm and fuzzy :lol:

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